viernes, diciembre 07, 2012

Allen West: Negotiating with 'Marxist' President is 'Silly'

Allen West was on with Mark Levin last night in what I think was one of his better interviews. Not only did Levin put West on the spot and really press him on his future, but West weighed in on this debate over the ‘fiscal cliff’ saying that the House should be passing good policy and not negotiating with a “Marxist, Socialist, rigid ideologue” like Obama. He says that instead of Obama telling people how he’s going to give them $2,000 by keeping their taxes low, West says Obama should be telling them how he’s decimated the median family income by $4,000 through printing money and inflation.
On his future, West said he’s gotten good offers and he has no plans to stop fighting for this country. Levin called him a “national treasure” and implored him to remain in public service.

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