sábado, noviembre 03, 2012

Corrupcion y entrenamiento de medicos extranjeros en Cuba. El caso ghanes

el acuerdo entre cuba y el gobierno ghanes para entrenar medicos de esa nacionalidad en cuba asciende a 105,000 cedis [55,702 usd], mientras que similar entrenamiento es posible realizarlo en ghana por 30,000 cedis [15,915 usd].
Mahama slipped; Nana Addo lied over Cuba training at IEA Debate- Kwakye Ofosu
Felix Kwakye Ofosu
considerando que el actual presidente ghanes john mahama sabe aritmetica, a algun lugar iran a parar los casi 40 mil dolares norteamericanos por medico -a la tasa de cambio de hoy de 1 USD = 1.88500 GHS] y probablemente se la repartan al 50% con la contraparte cubana. 
la noticia del asunto que salio a relucir en el debate presidencial la trae: Myjoyonline.com/ Nathan Gadugah 

A firebrand of the ruling National Democratic Congress and Convener of the Research and Advocacy Platform Felix Kwakye Ofosu has described as “slip” wrong figures provided by President John Mahama during the IEA Presidential Debate on the training of Ghanaian doctors in Cuba.
Felix Kwakye Ofosu was however critical of the New Patriotic Party flagbearer accusing him of lying and deliberate falsehood on the same matter.
The President in answering a question on how he will improve health delivery in the country if retained in office, said among other things that he had initiated a Cuban arrangement in which Ghanaian students will be trained as doctors in Cuba.
His contender Nana Addo in the debate questioned the financial prudence of the Cuban arrangement which he said costs, 105,000 cedis. He argued the amount was too exorbitant, given that Ghanaian doctors are trained here at 30,000 cedis far cheaper than what the Cuban arrangement is offering.  More >>

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