viernes, noviembre 02, 2012

Michael Moore and Obama Smear the Greatest Generation

Just when hateful documentary propagandist Michael Moore was becoming a distant, bad memory, he returns with a deeply disrespectful political ad that he produced in conjunction with the radical left It is one of the saddest and most revolting spots yet associated with the Obama campaign, which has turned this election into a carnival of vulgarity.
The virulently radical Moore, who is vastly wealthy but affects solidarity with the working-class, is not only responsible for a corpus of film work that is bloated with anti-American lies and distortions, including Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, he is also a friend to every enemy America and capitalism have, from Hezbollah to the Muslim Public Affairs Council to Occupy Wall Street to Code Pink to Fidel Castro and more, all the while proclaiming, “I love this country!” is a grassroots political network that organizes online activists, raises money for Democrat candidates through pop culture events, generates political ads, and wins young recruits through its appeal to the MTV subculture. The ad they co-produced with Moore steers viewers to, where they can donate or sign up to volunteer with MoveOn. The site asserts that Romney and Ryan “want to destroy Medicare, cut taxes for the rich, and take us back into a recession.” Blah blah blah. More >>

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