martes, noviembre 13, 2012

Glenn on Petraeus scandal: "They used him. Manipulated him. Now they're exposing him"

On TheBlaze Monday night, Glenn took a hard look at the weekend’s biggest news: the resignation of CIA Director General David Petraeus. While Petraeus has cited an extramarital affair as the reason for his resignation, Glenn found the timing almost unbelievable. The news broke only three days after the election and one week before Petraeus was set to testify before Congress.
Two weeks ago, Glenn went on Pat & Stu and predicted it would be General Petraeus taking the blame for Libyan incident.
On his show, Glenn took a hard look at the circumstances surrounding Petraeus’s scandal. A few years ago, Petraeus was one of the most respected figures in America and considered by many as a future Republican superstar and potential presidential candidate. Because of his status, he could easily have been a threat to the Democrats and progressives. But in recent years and months, he’s been isolated and even put in a position to fail.
“Why would you send Petraeus to the CIA and send your CIA Director to the Pentagon?” Glenn asked. Glenn said Petraeus would have been much better at the Pentagon and Leon Panetta was not a sensible choice for the position.
He further noted that reports have emerged that members of the Obama administration knew about the affair while he was being vetted for the CIA Director job, although the White House claims they did not know about the affair. Glenn found this hard to believe, and said that if they did not know everyone involved with the vetting needed to be fired.
“This is Benghazi all over again. Gross incompetence or massive cover-up.”
The scandal will only damage Petraeus’s credibility, and Glenn believes if he does testify on Benghazi it may be too late because of the loss of his reputation.
He further explained that if the White House knew about the affair, they could knowingly put him in a position where he would be forced to take the fall for a scandal like Libya.

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