martes, octubre 30, 2012

Time to Out Sinister Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Iranian-born chief advisor

CFP/ Judi McLeod
Valerie Jarrett
The deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya demand the outing of President Barack Obama’s Iranian-born,  chief advisor Valerie Jarrett.
Three times Stevens and his staff were denied help to save their lives on the day of their death.
While the courageous serving America were denied help, private citizen Valerie Jarrett seems to have a 24-hour, around-the-clock security detail, with five or six Secret Service agents at her disposal at home and abroad.  (former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell, Breitbart News interview. )
“At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission.” (Richard Miniter, Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him.)
Valerie Jarrett gave the order for the bin Laden kill.  Was it Jarrett who advised Obama to refuse help to Americans under sustained terrorist attack in Benghazi?
The ‘Happy Gang’ membership of the Two-Obamas-Plus-Valerie is one of the most peculiar relationships to ever make a home of the White House.
Jarrett never lets either Obama out of her sight and reportedly even follows them home to the White House at the end of each day.
Why is this private citizen afforded full security at taxpayer expense while heroes die in Benghazi?
It was Jarrett more than any other who made a manchurian candidate out of radical community organizer Barack Hussein Obama, having first hired his fiance Michelle Robinson back in 1991 when she was still Deputy Chief of Staff to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.
Jarrett took Michelle, now Mrs. Barack Obama, with her when she left the mayor’s office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning & Development.
Until joining the Obama administration, Jarrett was CEO of the Habitat Co, a real estate development and management company, where she found notoriety as a slum landlady.
It was Jarrett who secured the contacts and money essential to Mr. Obama’s long-shot Senate victory. (U.S. News &World Report post, “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Valerie Jarrett”.?
‘Valerie Jarrett ’74’ recounts that “after the historic election, President Obama named Jarrett his senior advisor, assistant to the president for intergovernment relations and public liaison, and head of a new panel on women and girls.
One could easily ponder how a mostly municipal realm employee could rise to the power of intergovernment relations, public liaison and women and girls issues.
These positions of power fade in comparison to what Valerie Jarrett has been up to during the lead in to the November 6 election:
While the magician on stage activated the theatrical fog and diverted everyone’s attention elsewhere, the activities behind the scenes were in full swing.” (Doug Hagmann, Canada Free Press, Oct. 29, 2012).  “Concurrent with the appointment of (Thomas) Pickering to throttle the outflow of information about Benghazi, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Iranian-born Senior Advisor, jetted to the nation of Qatar.  Although her activities were concealed by the magician’s accomplice—the dutiful Western media—it was reported by the Asia Times last week that Jarrett met with senior Iranian officials to negotiate a deal pertaining to Iran’s nuclear weapon ambitions. 
““Talks about any such meetings or potential deal were quickly denied by the White House. What else would one expect, as premature disclosure would certainly ruin the outcome of the magic trick being performed right before our eyes.

A break in the magician’s fog

While the creation of an October surprise of this nature could be relegated to the historical dustbin of speculation, it is here that a seemingly random series of dots - or events - come into view and the magic trick becomes exposed to those looking for the clues.
It was on July 31, 2012, about a month before the September 11 attack in Benghazi that a mortar ripped into the wall of the CIA occupied military intelligence building (research into ownership suggests a possible UK connection), now apparently designated as “the consulate in Benghazi.” The explosion did not cause any deaths or injuries and consequently, it did not make many headlines.
It is here that I rely on my well-placed intelligence source to help me understand the magic trick onstage. According to my source, our intelligence operatives noticed something unusual near that building. Seven members of the Iranian Red Crescent were milling about, almost like they were inspecting the damage. It was as if they were looking to see if the walls were reinforced, and assessing the response to that facility. The next instant, they were gone.
It was reported that the seven member contingent of the Red Crescent were inexplicably kidnapped by “armed men.”
Fast forward to October 6, 2012, about the time when Valerie Jarrett was reportedly meeting with Iranian officials in Qatar. The kidnapped Red Crescent delegation was suddenly, inexplicably and unceremoniously released unharmed in Libya after 65 days in captivity.
Rumors inside the intelligence community suggest that the Jarrett “October surprise” meetings with Iran were contingent on the release of the Iranian Red Crescent workers.”
Tuesday’s election is the reason why the Obama regime works feverishly to close the window on the tragedy in Benghazi.
Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee, should wedge the window wide open.
It is time to out the Secret Service protected, private citizen Valerie Jarrett.

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