viernes, octubre 19, 2012

Number of Cubans Entering the US Through Mexico Up 400 Percent

The number of Cubans finding their way into the United States through Mexico is exploding, according to Mexican immigration records. So far this year, about 2,300 Cubans have been detained in Mexico on their way to the U.S. The number is expected to reach 3,500 by December. This is a 400 percent jump when compared to last year, when migratory stations tallied only 762 Cubans.
Cubans who reach American soil receive a different migratory status than other foreign citizens. However, getting into the United States is hard. Instead of risking their lives by going directly from Cuba to Florida on improvised boats, more Cubans are now traveling to countries that don't ask them for a visa, like Ecuador. From there, they can safely reach the U.S.-Mexico border.  More >>

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