miércoles, octubre 03, 2012

Juan Pablo Roque's Spy story: In search of balance [?]

the question mark is mine [lg].
Tracey Eaton

Front page of today's Miami Herald. Photo: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/
I suspect that Juan Pablo Roque is one of the most hated figures in South Florida, but that wasn't on my mind when I interviewed the former spy earlier this year in Havana. I wanted to hear his point of view.
Once back in the U.S., I sought out Roque's ex-wife, Ana Margarita Martinez. I quoted her along with the sister of one of the men killed in the Brothers to the Rescue shoot-down and others who are critical of Roque.
But I wonder what Roque's supporters are saying. What do Cuban officials think of Roque? I didn't get that point of view.
Reader reaction on the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald websites - and there has been a flurry of comments - are mostly hostile toward Roque.
I'm not defending the 1996 shoot-down and the murder of four civilians. But I wonder what people would say about an American spy who infiltrated al-Qaeda to try to prevent terrorist attacks on the United States. Or is that an unfair comparison?

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