miércoles, octubre 03, 2012

Verbal Knock-Out Punches That Would Win the Debates, Polls, Election for Romney

CFP/ Aaron I. Reichel
All Romney has to do is set forth the points that his most articulate supporters have made on his behalf, and he is sure to win the debates, the polls, and the election. He can even point to what some of his political opponents have said, and to what Obama himself has said.
In fact, Romney should point out, ideally more than once, that if people want to really hear what Obama said in his own words, about his true values and intentions with respect to—or with disrespect to—the country he serves (or disserves), they should see the documentary movie “2016: Obama’s America,” which is the second grossing political documentary of all time, and much more serious and responsible than Fahrenheit 9/11, based on a book by an Ivy-League educated college president.
President Clinton, a wordsmith who is as careful as anyone with what comes out of his mouth, defended the man whose camp incidentally once called HIM a racist by saying, on another topic “No president… could have repaired all the damage in just four years.” To anyone who was paying attention, the implication was that many presidents could have repaired at least SOME of the damage, and certainly, many presidents would not have made the economy WORSE in so many ways.
Romney should remind his listeners that Obama called Bush “unpatriotic” for allowing the national debt to get where it was, so that by Obama’s own evaluation, he himself is far more unpatriotic for allowing the debt to rise more in one term than it had ever risen in the two terms of any prior president.  More >>

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