viernes, octubre 19, 2012

Belarus will share the secret of «success» with Cuba

Belarus is ready to participate in the modernization of Cuban economy. This was stated today by the President at the meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Cuba Marino Murillo. During the last visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Cuba, Raul Castro admitted that the Cubans are examining the Belarusian model of development. The Head of the State said that Belarus is ready to share its experience on the reforming of the economy with Cuba. Last year the goods turnover amounted to only USD 50 million. Belarus is pushing Cuba to pass to more advanced cooperation forms. First of all, it is referred to the creation of joint enterprises and Belarusian equipment service centers. Cuba is also interested in technologies, for example, the agroindustrial complex.
(Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus)
(Marino Murillo, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba)

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