miércoles, septiembre 05, 2012

Woman's non-stop orgasms: Too much of a good thing

The other day, a few media outlets in the New York region covered the story of a woman who can’t seem to stop having orgasms, which would seem joke-ready but can actually be a nightmare.
While the New Jersey woman’s condition has not been formally diagnosed, it appears she has persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD), something we explored years ago
The syndrome usually manifests as a constant blood engorgement of the female genitals, mainly the clitoris. This creates a sensation of needing “relief.” Cue the jokes. But imagine constantly sensing the need for orgasm at work, on the bus, while visiting with friends, and then finding no relief, or only very temporary relief, if you masturbate. Genitals can become highly sensitive, and sore. Sufferers describe feelings of isolation and mental anguish.  More >>

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