jueves, septiembre 27, 2012

What will it take for Romney to win?

By Halimah Abdullah
Washington (CNN) -- Mitt Romney's gambit of running as the anti-Barack Obama could still work, Republican strategists say, if the presidential hopeful spends less time trying to define his opponent and more time spelling out how he would handle the job.
"It would have to take a serious effort to define the race on (the Romney campaign's) terms," said one veteran Republican strategist familiar with the inner workings of the campaign. "They are going to have to run a more disciplined campaign. He needs to make the connection of what the state of the economy is and what his policies are."
Romney has been trying to do just that with a new series of ads refocusing on an economic message that has been drowned out lately by attention to his controversial comments that nearly half of the nation is dependent on government and will vote for Obama no matter what.
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