domingo, septiembre 23, 2012

Over 35 Ladies in White Arrested

Capitol Hill Cubans/

The Castro regime has arrested over 35 Ladies in White over the weekend for trying to attend a gathering of the pro-democracy group in Havana.
According to former political prisoner Ivan Hernandez Carrillo, 12 of those known to be arrested are from Santiago de Cuba, 7 from Holguin, 2 from Granma, 2 from Guantanamo, 4 from Santa Clara and one from Matanzas.  Seven are from Havana.

We plead with women's rights groups throughout to world to raise their voices for these courageous women, who simply seek the freedom to assemble and speak freely  -- the most basic of all human rights.

And for this, they are confronted with unspeakable violence and abuse.

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