martes, septiembre 04, 2012

Eurozone running out of options to solve debt crisis

Two years after eurozone began its downward financial spiral, the European Central Bank is about to unveil a widely-anticipated plan to pump more money into the system to stem a wider collapse.
But the plan, similar to the massive bond-buying undertaken by U.S. central bankers four years ago, may be too little, too late.
“It’s going to take a lot more than a few rate cuts here and there to give us a lift,” said Peter Dixon, a senior economist at Commerzbank Securities. “Monetary policy is effectively running out of options.”
Europe is also running out of time. Manufacturing across the continent contracted faster than previously thought last month, according to the latest data released Monday. The recession sparked by a crushing debt hangover in a few smaller members of the 17-nation bloc is now sweeping through Germany and France. The financial turmoil that sank Greece as investors and depositors fled now threatens the much larger economies of Spain and Italy.
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi bought some time last month, calming markets somewhat with a pledge to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro. Now, he has to deliver. On Thursday, the ECB is set to unveil details of a new bond-buying plan that has re-opened long-standing fault lines in Europe’s experiment with a common currency.
“You have the troubled nations -- Portugal, Italy Spain, Greece -- all lined up in one corner and you have the funding nations with capital -- Germany, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands -- lined up in the other corner,” said Mark Grant, an investment banker at Southwest Securities. “It’s going to be a very bloody battle on who gets what capital and in what form and how much.”

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