martes, septiembre 18, 2012

EEUU: Cuba miente sobre el caso de Alan Gross

FOX5 Washington, Posted: Sep 18, 2012 7:31 AM EDT Updated: Sep 18, 2012 7:31 AM EDT 
The State Department says the Cuban government is lying about negotiating the release of a Maryland man.  Cuba says it is waiting to hear from the U.S. about exchanging Alan Gross for five Cuban men held in an American federal prison on espionage charges. Gross has been in a Cuban prison for almost three years on similar charges. Now he's reportedly very ill.
The State Department issued a statement saying in part, "We have repeatedly made clear to the Cuban government that we reject the notion of exchanging members of the so-called 'Cuban Five' for an American citizen who the Cuban government has imprisoned simply for trying to bring internet access to the Cuban people. But we have always been ready to hear from Cuba about a humanitarian gesture to release Mr. Gross."

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