lunes, agosto 27, 2012

Top periodista canadiense se muda a Cuba

if he likes kaxtroz brother's dictatorship then living as a Cuban on foot ["cubano de a pie"] but not as a foreigner. maybe what he likes are teenage prostitutes and/or big and strong blacks guys. who knows?
by Ezra Levant
Stephen Wicary
Until this summer, Stephen Wicary was The Globe and Mail’s online editor.
He would choose what would and wouldn’t go on the website. He would write headlines. He would choose photos. These are all political decisions.
Sometimes he would move from the behind the scenes and come out publicly with his own editorials denouncing Stephen Harper — accusing Harper of being anti-democratic, and heavy-handed, and even censorious.
So he was a left-winger, who claimed to care about freedom.
But then he moved to Cuba. Not a vacation. He’s moving there for two years.
Someone who had for years condemned Harper as being too authoritarian was moving to the country that the human rights NGO, Reporters Without Borders, calls the most repressive country in the western hemisphere.
I asked Wicary a dozen questions about this — and he refused to answer.
The Media Party all knew Wicary was going to Cuba, a land without press freedom. The Ottawa press gallery even threw a goodbye party for him and none seemed conflicted with a reporter going to an island of censorship.
A lot of other journalists answered my questions to Wicary for him. They were acting as his lawyers. They said he didn’t really believe in Communism. They said he was just there to support his wife, who got a promotion to work there for an NGO. The suggestion was that Wicary didn’t really love Cuba, he just loved his wife, so it was an act of marital solidarity, not political solidarity.
Wicary has been in Cuba for a few weeks. Miraculously, he has been able to get an Internet connection. No ordinary Cuban has that privilege — but Wicary somehow got Castro’s permission.
It was weird right away. There he is in Cuba — a controversial, newsworthy place, with scandals and corruption and violence and repression, with a cholera outbreak right now, with a Spanish human rights activist held hostage — but all he kept writing about on Twitter was Canadian politics, publicizing left-wing political commentaries.
But then Wicary wrote this from Cuba last week: “Have been reading up on Canada-Cuba relations and it seems Sun papers have a long tradition of asshattery with regard to the island … During the 1999 Pan-Am Games in Winnipeg, they published a how-to guide for athletes seeking to defect.”
Wicary has never criticized Cuba or, aside from a couple retweets, even reported on its scandalous news.
But he just comes right out and engages in Communist propaganda, denouncing Canada’s Sun newspaper — we’re asshats, he says — because in 1999 we wanted to help Cuban athletes come to Canada? Who would possibly object to that? Other than someone who is working under the restrictions of the Communist Party? Is he also working under its direction?  Read More >>

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