jueves, julio 19, 2012

Is terrorist Omar Khadr welcome back to Canada ?

Canadian Free Press/  Lorette C. Luzajic
Tarek Fatah would gladly have terrorist Omar Khadr over for dinner, he told the Canadian Patriotic Society in Toronto on Wednesday evening. Most certainly the young Canadian, an inmate at Guantanamo, can come back to Canada, his country.
Fatah, a Muslim and tireless human rights activist, is speaking at The Return of Omar Khadr- the Unholy Alliance of Islamism and the Left, not to the usual deluded who frequently gather to decry the alleged “torture” of this “child soldier.” The cold blooded killer, who trained eagerly and willingly with al Qaeda in poisons, bomb making, and urban warfare tactics, is the darling of the “social justice” crowd. There is the usual dead silence from these about the hundreds of thousands of innocent children enduring real torture and slavery and rape and castration, but an unrepentant jihadist? Now there’s a Canadian hero. 

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