lunes, julio 23, 2012

Peticion de exiliados cubanos al gobierno canadiense por la muerte de Osvaldo Paya

peticion enviada al primer ministro de canada, ministros y miembros del parlamento federal por exilados cubanos, requiriendo del gobierno de canada una declaracion publica de solidaridad y condolencias por la muerte en circunstancias sospechosas de oswaldo paya sardinas .
Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing to inform you that a prominent human rights activist, Oswaldo Payá, died in Cuba yesterday. Mr. Payá was the leading voice in support of basic human rights in Cuba, a founder of the non-violent Varela Project, the leader of the Christian Liberation Movement, the goal of which is:
"in a public and sustained manner the release of those jailed in Cuba for defending, promoting and exercising peacefully their human rights; the dialogue between Cubans as a path toward achieving the changes the Cuban people desire and national reconciliation; and our demands for changes in the laws so that the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all Cubans are respected".

Mr. Payá was recognized by many human rights organizations and was the recipient of, among other awards, the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought from the European Parliament. His voice, which called for non-violent reform of Cuba’s totalitarian regime and for reconciliation within Cuba, was among the strongest, most principled and most respected voices in Cuban human rights. He was a man who worked hard to bring about constructive dialogue and positive change on his beloved island.

Sadly, he is now dead. I ask that the government of Canada express its condolences and solidarity with Mr. Paya’s family and friends, and express its solidarity with those who mourn.

I would add the fact that this is the second high profile death in highly suspicious circumstances. There are more deaths though in the last year and half: Miguel Valdés Tamayo, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Juan Wilfredo Soto, Laura Pollán, Wilmar Villar Mendoza, and now Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero. This time, however, two foreign citizens survived the crash and are expected to recover. It is paramount to ensure their safety in order to gather more details.
As an example, here is what the Senator Marco Rubio, White House and the European Parliament expressed today:

I look forward to your response.


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