martes, julio 17, 2012

How Embarrassing! Only 80 People Showed At Miami Conference on “Cuban 5”

In yet another demonstration that Prensa Latina (PRELA) needs to institute mandatory drug testing, the Cuban news service hailed Sunday’s “Cuban 5” conference “as a great success.”   PRELA went on to proclaim that “more than 80 people” attended the session, including well-known Castro apologists Max Lesnik, director of Radio Miami, and Andrés Gómez, coordinator of the Antonio Maceo Brigade and editor of the magazine Areito digital. The news release contained no other relevant facts.
Editor’s Note:   The Antonio Maceo Brigade and Areito magazine have long and distinguished histories of collaboration with Cuban Intelligence.   Additional background on both entities can be found in previous "Cuba Confidential" postings.  Please use the "search" feature to find the related posts.

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