miércoles, junio 13, 2012

This Date in History: Havana Exploits “Sister City” Program

June 13, 2002:  Oscar Redondo Toledo, an Intelligence Officer serving under diplomatic cover at the Cuban Interests Section, was the featured speaker at a meeting in Philadelphia.  Other speakers that night were Pamela Martin of the Philadelphia-Cardenas Sister Cities Project and Stephen Paulmier of the “Free the Five” Committee.  While posted to the Interests Section, Redondo handled the “Sister City” program between Havana and Mobile, Alabama.  The Mobile-Havana partnership was established in 1993.   
In early November 2002, the US declared Redondo and another Cuban spy-diplomat Persona Non Grata.  Both officers were First Secretaries at the Cuban Interests Section.  According to the Washington Post, the expulsion retaliated for the 16-year career of Cuban spy Ana Montes, who was sentenced in October 2002.

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