lunes, junio 18, 2012

Canadian University Hosts Biased Seminar on “Cuban Five”

Source:  Nanaimo News Bulletin
The plight of the Cuban Five and the efforts of the Caravan to Cuba will be examined at an awareness-building seminar July 27 at Vancouver Island University.
Hosted by the school’s faculty association’s Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee, the event takes place in Bldg. 200, Rm. 203 at 7 p.m.
The evening begins with Eliza Gardiner singing her ballad Absolution, which pays tribute to the famed sailing of Cuban revolutionaries from Mexico on the vessel Granma.
A guest speaker from the Pastors for Peace from New York City will give a presentation to the audience, and the award-winning documentary, Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up by Saul Landau, will be screened.
The public is welcome. Admission is free, though donations to the caravan expedition will be accepted.
For more information, please e-mail Gardiner at or call Ruth Caspell at 250-753-2126.
 Editor's Note:  The public may be welcome to this event, but truth and accuracy will not be attending.

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