sábado, junio 30, 2012

Canada : Pro-Taliban rapper gets taxpayer subsidies - Jihad Watch

We might as well just all cut our own throats and be done with it. There needs to be a wholesale housecleaning at the top in both Canada and the U.S.: not just an electoral turnover, but a thorough cleaning-out and replacement of the entrenched bureaucracies, unaccountable to anyone, that are working toward our own destruction. Does any candidate have the courage to call for that, or to undertake it once in office?
"Pro-Taliban rapper gets taxpayer subsidies," by Daniel Proussalidis for the Toronto Sun, June 29 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
OTTAWA - A video glorifying Taliban attacks in Afghanistan and the slaughter of Canadian soldiers disappeared from YouTube and other sites Friday, mere hours after QMI Agency began questioning taxpayer subsidies for the francophone rapper who made it. "The enemy approaches," rapper Manu Militari declared in the video. "I recognize Canada's colours."
Later he says, "In a few seconds they'll understand how much I hate them."
The rapper has said he tried to "humanize" Islamists by presenting a sympathetic view of Taliban fighters detonating a roadside bomb and killing Canadians.
Manu Militari says a "disproportionate" response to the video convinced him to remove it from the Internet, though on Friday afternoon his website continued to promote its official September 11 release.
Meanwhile, questions persist about taxpayer subsidies for the rapper.
"Why are we funding this garbage that gives comfort to Canada's enemies?" National Citizens Coalition director Stephen Taylor asked.
Between 2008 and 2013, Manu Militari will have received $110,000 in grants for various projects from MusicAction - a francophone arts-promoting body that gets 75% of its $8 million annual budget from taxpayers through Heritage Canada....

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