viernes, junio 29, 2012

Canada Free Press on Obamacare

While We Were Sleeping
 By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
While the entire country was riveted to the news that Obamacare—the most expensive and freedom robbing tax bill in U.S. history—was upheld by the Supreme Court, the President was busy driving in the last nail in the coffin of liberty.
It is not the first time the media helped in the deception of Americans and in hiding the truth.
The year was 2019, in the third term of the Reign of Obama the Secular. Owing to a radical Supreme Court stacked with four Obama appointees who declared the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution unconstitutional, Obama was well on his way to becoming the first President since Roosevelt to be elected to four terms. A generation that voted for free stuff in 2008, begat another generation of voters who wanted free stuff.
London, England-Foreigners still tend to think of England as a land where everyone talks like Sir Alec Guinness circa 1950, exemplifying the most impeccable manners in decorum, tea drinking and conversation - usually in the rain and being beautifully turned out in Harris Tweed.  HA!-  you wish!  Tourists who actually arrive on our shores are far more likely to run into an unintelligible ‘regional ‘accent ( think of the short lived Cheryl Cole from X Factor USA that no one could understand and hence was fired), inconsiderate behaviour and coffee bars full of people wearing jeans and t-shirts that look like they haven’t seen the inside of a washing machine for months.
Obama and his fellow socialists in the White House and Congress probably did not realize that all the self congratulatory fist pumping , high fives, and atta-boys at the decision on Obamacare by the Supreme Court was a bit premature.  Yes.  They won the battle, but the war has only begun.
Following the Obamacare decision, The Heartland Institute’s Maureen Martin, a Senior Fellow for Legal Affairs, said, “Today’s decision will go down in infamy. It marks the moment when we all lost our freedom because the Supreme Court drew a road map to guide those dedicated to imposing a totalitarian, statist government on the American people.”

Contempt is often merited
 By Bob Lunsford
Now we have seen the reaction of good Americans as they put a Contempt of Congress in motion in the case of Fast and Furious and Holder. Well and good, it is what should have been done, if not now then long ago.

The Supremes Have Spoken
 By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
I was hoping against all odds that the will of the people would prevail. However, inside my heart I knew that it was hopeless. Nine impartial and totally objective Americans with no personal interests, outside influences, or opinions have decided the fate of millions of Americans for generations to come. It was interesting to ponder why one Supreme Court justice who helped draft Obamacare, did not recuse herself from this decision – the stakes of fundamental transformation of America must have been too high to follow ethical standards.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.“Please notice that this, the foundational sentence of the American way of life does not say “endowed by the Supreme Court.”

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