miércoles, mayo 30, 2012

Who Is Behind The Occupy Movement? — on The Brewster Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, Josh Brewster filled in for Jamie Glazov as host and was joined by Gang members Ben Shapiro, Shari Goodman and Rob Nelson. In this third segment of a three part series, Brewster, the host of “Duck Calls,” the Anaheim Ducks’ postgame radio show on AM830 LA/Orange, CA., nurtured an animated debate between the guests on the Who Is Behind The Occupy Movement? To see Part I, which dealt with Egypt’s Election and Rising Islamists, click here. To see Part II, which focused on Getting Tough on Illegal Immigration, click here.
[For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.]

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