miércoles, mayo 02, 2012

“Cuba May Be the Most Feminist Country in Latin America!” squeals The New York Times

The longest-suffering female political prisoners in modern history suffered their tortures in Castro's Cuba. Many died by firing-squad and prison beatings.

Our friends at Newsbusters disclose the title of this post.
First off: UNSPEAKABLE (!!!) Pre-Castro Cuba had more female college students as a percentage of population than the U.S., according to Guillermo Cabrera-Infante. But the "glass-ceiling" of the time kept them out of jail for purely political offenses.
Then came Castroism and this "glass-ceilng" was triumphantly cracked to pieces! Thousands of Cuban women suddenly found themselves in Castro's KGB-tutored prisons and torture chambers!
Yes sir. Just as thousands of Cuban men were murdered and tortured, so now were thousands of women! Castro's regime jailed and tortured thousands of Cuban women for political crimes and many of them for decades, a totalitarian horror utterly unknown--not only in Cuba--but in the Western Hemisphere until Castroism.
Their prison conditions were described by former political prisoner Maritza Lugo. “The punishment cells measure 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. The toilet consists of an 8 inch hole in the ground through which cockroaches and rats enter, especially in cool temperatures the rat come inside to seek the warmth of our bodies and we were often bitten. The suicide rate among women prisoners was very high.”
In fact, Castroism TRIPLED Cuban women’s pre-revolution suicide rate, making Cuban women the most suicidal on earth. This according to a 1998 study by scholar Maida Donate-Armada that uses some of the Cuban regime’s own figures.
Some suffered months in "Tapiadas" (underground cells in total darkness) Some were jailed a few miles from La Cabana. With the right wind direction, the firing squad volley's would reach them. "HA-HA! Oiste?... Ce la cepillaron a tu marido! ( Hijo! Padre! Abuelo! Tio!)" (Heard that?! We just shot your husband, son, dad, grandad, uncle!) the guards would gather and cackle at the rat-bitten women, surrounded by cockroaches and caked in filth and menstrual fluid from lack of water in their torture chambers.
Not to take anything away from Yoani and The Ladies in White ...but many, many, MANY Cuban women had it much, much, MUCH worse--and without the slightest mention by the MSM of their deaths and decades of suffering torture...instead, as usual, with their murderers and torturers hailed to high heavens by such as the New York Times.
Many, many ladies living in South Florida and New Jersey today would like a word with New York Times blogger, LUISITA LOPEZ TORREGROSA.
Absolutely Un-'Freakin Real...

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