jueves, mayo 31, 2012

No Apologies For Poland from ‘President Misspoken’

canadafreepress/  Judi McLeod  
An idea whose time has come: Americans officially apologizing to the world for the man who calls himself President Barack Obama.
Obama has insulted some 38 million Poles.  But that’s only his latest insult to a nation that has the respect of the majority.  In one of his first acts in the Oval Office, Obama returned an historic bust of Winston Churchill to Britain. In 2009, Obama did not seem to know that there is no such language as “Austrian”.  The official language of Austria is German.  Recognized regional languages in Austria include Hungarian, Slovene and Croatian.
Obama’s overbearing administration writes off all insults to America’s allies as tiny, inconsequential ‘gaffes’.  More >>

"Akademicos" kubishes en LASA

seria mucho pedir que, ya no los directivos de lasa que sabemos de que biberon chupan para luego babear, sino el dpto de estado de la sra. hillary clinton tome conveniente nota del rigor profesional de los akademicos del neokaxtrizmo?

Cuban Interests Section Email to its “Friends” in Congress

Ambassador Jorge A Bolaños Suarez' residence
Cuba Confidential
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:14:52 PM
Subject: Our Cuban “friends” out and about on the Hill
 The Chief of the Cuban Interests Section,
Ambassador Jorge A Bolaños Suarez,
 Would like to invite you to an informal get-together
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
12:00-5:00 pm
 A wonderful occasion to chat, dance or simply listen to Cuban music and taste the Cuban cuisine and drinks.
Ambassador’s Residence
 7105 Millwood Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
(202) 588 1330 
Mrs. Yaima Briñis

"La pase Mamey"/ Espinaxiones

No seria cientifico lo que afirmo pero es la impresion que tengo.
Sin profundizar mucho y en la superficie de los cubanitos que contacto en la escuela, en el centro de Hialeah, hay muchas cosas que no contribuyen a pensar que un cambio de lo que sufrimos les pueda interesar.
"Vine de Cuba", "voy a Cuba", "tengo a mi abuelita", "la pase mamey", "todo ha cambiado", "como gozamos", son de las cosas que se escuchan sin el menor espiritu critico. Si a mi no me pisan el callo que siga el mundo como hasta ahora es la idea detras de las actitudes.
Las emisoras de radio y television mas que una filosofia, principios o politica editorial van navegando al ritmo que les dictan los anunciantes.
Las tres cadenas de television con las que mas convivo, donde tenemos al mexicano Jorge Ramos y al chileno Don Francisco (canal 9 para mi), no pierde oportunidad para reclamar abierta o sutilmente mas penetracion de mexicanos e indocumentados en la politica USA, los cubanos bien gracias. El canal 12, con Carlos Otero, aunque se disfracen de alguna manera es donde constantemente se presenta la penetracion de todos los enviados al supuesto intercambio cultural, ahora tenemos a Gustavito, estamos presenciando, la noche del sabado de la TV cubana, bonco quiñongo, la chusmeria, las groserias, la actitud acritica de no importa cual crimen. Alli tambien estuvo el cantante Alfredito, otro comico Ulises Toirac, acaba de llegar. Llenando la jaba de dolares y regresando a disfrutar de lo que nada ha estado pasando en estos 50 años ni en los proximos 50 y muchos preocupados y hasta indignados por los "5 heroes" y que la "mafia de miami" pueda lograr algunas restricciones al desparpajo de los viajes a Cuba. Alexis Valdes es de lo mejorcito en el canal 22 pero por alli tambien tienen cabida los artistas que "no son politicos" sobre todo para indignarse ante los crimenes pasados y presentes del kaxtrizmo. A continuacion en el 22 Jaime Bayly que es furibundo anti-chavista.
Las agencias de viajes y paquetes promoviendo el envio de cuanto se pueda imaginar en cantidad, tamaño y calidad y gozando con el Hussein que reina en la casablanca.
Para un Dr Biscet, Dr Darsi Ferrer y algunos otros muchos con los cuales podriamos tener diferencias y opiniones que tanto de su vida y su tiempo han entregado a una Cuba diferente tal vez el "no vale la pena" puede tener bastante sentido.
Es triste, desesperanzador y hasta deprimente el sacrificio de tantos muertos dignos.

New drugs, fresh hope for autism patients

Image: Nine-year-old Jack Balter plays tug-of-war with his sister Brianna at their home in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Joshua Lott  /  Reuters
Nine-year-old Jack Balter plays tug-of-war with his sister Brianna at their home in Scottsdale, Arizona, on May 17.

Lynn and Neil Balter always dreaded stage productions at their son Jack's elementary school.
When Jack was up there with the other performers, the noise, the lights, the crowd almost always got to him, and he would "start spinning," wandering around the stage or turning in circles, Lynn says. "It usually turned into an embarrassing situation," she adds.
But at a dance performance at Jack's Scottsdale, Arizona, school last December, something was different. "He was half a beat behind in the dance, but he did the whole thing," Neil says. "He participated and took the bow with his class."
Afterward, Jack's teacher greeted the Balters in tears. "I don't know what is going on with this kid, but there is this miracle happening and I have a different kid at school," she told the Balters.
Jack, 9 years old, has autism. What his teacher didn't know is that Jack was taking part in a clinical trial for a drug aimed at overcoming some of the social impairment associated with autism, a spectrum of disorders that range from the social awkwardness and narrow interests seen in Asperger syndrome to severe communication and intellectual disabilities.
For years the best that doctors have been able to offer patients with autism is intensive therapy and anti-psychotic drugs such as Johnson & Johnson's Risperdal to blunt some of the extreme behaviors associated with their disorder - tantrums, aggression and self-harm. Anti-psychotics quiet the patients. But they do nothing to address the core social and communication problems that make it impossible for many autistic children to develop deep relationships with their families and peers and grow into independently functioning adults.
As Jack's experience suggests, that may be about to change. Researchers are conducting advanced trials of the first drugs expressly designed to correct the genetically induced signaling problems in the brain that result in autism. The early indications are positive enough to offer new hope for families and spark interest from drug companies.  More >>

Blue Jays’ Cuban prospect is cleared to travel to Canada

REUTERS/Mike Cassese
REUTERS/Mike Cassese
The Cuban defector, a prime prospect for the Toronto Blue Jays, missed two games with Triple-A Las Vegas to deal with “citizenship-type situations,” manager John Farrell said Tuesday.
It has taken a long time, but Adeiny Hechavarria finally has his paperwork in order and is cleared for travel outside the United States.
The Cuban defector, a prime prospect for the Toronto Blue Jays, missed two games with Triple-A Las Vegas to deal with “citizenship-type situations,” manager John Farrell said Tuesday.
Farrell’s comments raised speculation that Hechavarria still had not obtained the documents that would allow him to travel to Canada. When asked about the subject again on Wednesday, Farrell said he did not know whether Hechavarria would be able to come to Canada if the Blue Jays decided to call him up.
“I wish I had more for you on the specific details to that,” Farrell said. “I just know that he was going to be two days away to take care of the process at hand.”
But general manager Alex Anthopoulos said later that Hechavarria’s paperwork is definitely in order. If the Jays wanted to put him on the big-league roster at the end of spring training, they could have, and they can call him up any time they choose, Anthopoulos said.
Hechavarria returned to his Las Vegas team, which was playing in Tucson, on Wednesday afternoon.
The 23-year-old prospect might have earned a September call-up last year. But was still working on obtaining citizenship and could not travel to Canada.
Over the winter, Hechavarria was invited to attend the Jays’ mini-camp for prospects at the Rogers Centre. He could not make it. His paperwork was still incomplete, he told club officials.
During spring training in February, he met with general manager Alex Anthopoulos and manager John Farrell in Dunedin, Fla. Afterward, Farrell told reporters that Hechavarria said he had completed the citizenship process.

This week, speculation suggested Hechavarria might be called up to fill in for shortstop Yunel Escobar or second baseman Kelly Johnson, both of whom are nursing nagging injuries. If one goes on the disabled list, club officials would “probably have a lengthy internal discussion about Hech,” Farrell said Tuesday.
The Blue Jays considered calling up Hechavarria on Monday, but chose Mike McCoy instead because of Hechavarria’s commitment elsewhere to deal with citizenship-related issues. At any rate, they would not call up Hechavarria unless he had an opportunity to play every day, Farrell added.
Hechavarria defected from Cuba in 2009. In April 2010, the Blue Jays signed him to a four-year, US$10-million contract.
Defensively, he is major-league ready. He is batting .316 with a .368 on-base percentage at Las Vegas.

Paul Williams sufre accidente y se encuentra paralizado

ATLANTA -- La próxima pelea entre el mexicano Saúl Canelo Alvarez y Paul Williams fue cancelada debido al accidente en motocicleta que sufrió el domingo el púgil estadounidense y que lo paralizó de la cintura hacia abajo, dijo el apoderado de este último. Los médicos consideran que es poco probable que vuelva a pelear.
"[Williams] no tiene absolutamente movimiento de la cintura hacia abajo. No obstante, está de muy muy buen ánimo", informó el lunes George Peterson a la Associated Press. "[Williams] piensa todavía que regresará a los cuadriláteros", apuntó.
El boxeador, de 30 años, se rompió la médula espinal debido a que cayó de espalda y se golpeó la cabeza cuando salió arrojado de su motocicleta el domingo en la mañana en Marietta, Georgia, señaló Peterson.
Williams se encuentra en condición grave pero estable en un hospital cuyo nombre no fue divulgado, agregó.
El accidente ocurrió el domingo en la mañana cuando Williams intentó evitar en una curva a un vehículo del carril contiguo para no colisionar con otro vehículo que venía en sentido contrario.
Williams se dirigía en motocicleta a la boda de su hermano que tendría lugar el domingo en la tarde.
"Sé que Williams emitirá una declaración tras la cirugía que se le efectuará el miércoles porque es ese tipo de persona", señaló Peterson. "[El púgil] tiene coherencia al ciento por ciento y conserva la voluntad de subirse otra vez en la motocicleta".
Peterson señaló que, tras el accidente, fue cancelada la pelea entre Williams y Canelo Alvarez, prevista para el 15 de septiembre en Las Vegas.
Dan Goossen, quien ha sido mucho tiempo promotor de Williams, confirmó el lunes en la noche la cancelación del combate contra el mexicano.
"Ahora no hay que pensar en peleas, salvo la pelea que Paul libra en este preciso momento: recuperar su capacidad motriz y conservar el movimiento arriba de la cintura", afirmó Goossen.
Peterson dijo que comparte con Williams la esperanza de que la carrera pugilística de éste no haya llegado a su fin.
Williams enfrentó en tres divisiones distintas a rivales de menor estatura. Se mantuvo en el límite de las 147 libras en el peso welter a pesar de su talla de 1,88 metros [seis pies, dos pulgadas].
Williams ganó por decisión su primer título welter en julio de 2007 sobre el mexicano Antonio Margarito. Debido a sus ventajas físicas y su golpeo efectivo, Williams tuvo dificultades para concertar combates con estelares. No obstante su relativo anonimato, era considerado uno de las principales figuras libra por libra del mundo.
Derrotó al puertorriqueño Carlos Quintana, Winky Wright, el argentino Sergio Martínez y Kermit Cintrón. Sin embargo, Martínez frenó abruptamente el ascenso de Williams al derrotarlo en el segundo asalto de la revancha que protagonizaron en noviembre de 2010.
En ese combate, Williams terminó en la lona boca arriba con los ojos abiertos, quizá en el nocáut más impresionante en la historia reciente del boxeo.
Williams tuvo después dos peleas sin pena ni gloria, pero la pactada contra Alvarez -- el popular astro mexicano -- en el Grand Garden MGM de Las Vegas sería su retorno a los primeros planos, con la oportunidad de arrebatarle el cinturón de las 154 libras del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo.

miércoles, mayo 30, 2012

"Mata, que Dios Perdona"

Por Andrés Pascual
Adam Daniel Rotfed, canciller polaco
       El título es de una guaracha que Miguel Matamoros compuso para el Trio a finales de los 20’, como todo lo que hizo el genio de la música popular cubana,  fue un exitazo, pero de verdad, transcendental, a los que Rosendo Rosell se refería como que “dejó huella”.
      Sin embargo, no es musical mi intención: en Siria se está cometiendo una verdadera masacre con el pueblo, entre militares del régimen y paramilitares que lo apoyan, imponen el terror de la forma más convincente posible: torturando y matando, ni penas de prisión… mientras, Putin, el nuevo Mussolini (por lo que le gusta exhibir sus habilidades de defensa personal y su musculatura pigmeica), le acaba de decir a Occidente que “ni sueñen con que pudiera desproveer de su apoyo al tirano-dictador que ha convertido el asesinato en masa en un consentido pasatiempo”. 
      Si, porque esa alternativa de denuncia aquí, condena allá y la ONU tomando partido con lo de las sanciones, solo es efectiva cuando se trata de derrumbar regímenes de derecha, capitalistas o equivalentes. Si la cosa es con los que apoyan los comunistas, los musulmanes y la Choza del Califa (que aparenta que lo hace, a pesar del chorro de basura que hablan desde Sub-secretarios, la propia Secretaria de Estado y hasta los familiares ilegales que ha de tener escondidos Obama enWashington) no hay peligro de demolición del edificio… como en los carteles de las vallas de gallos en Cuba: “EL MUERTO NO CUENTA Y MATA, QUE DIOS PERDONA…”
     El mundo es repudiable (Estados Unidos y Europa) porque no encuentran, para liberar a un pueblo que se inmola por decenas diariamente, que no se resigna a seguir bajo el yugo opresor, la solución que tienen ante las narices, la única posible: la intervención militar y, el que quiera ponerse bravo, pues dos trabajos…
       Bueno, Romney ganó y sera el contrario de Obama. El tipo tiene una tarea muy dura por delante, porque, si con todo lo que ha hecho el califa contra el capitalismo americano y contra su economía, contra el orden social establecido, contra Europa, contra Israel y contra la Madre de los Tomates casi no pierde terreno, pues…
      La pelea, a pesar de todo lo que se diga, no es contra el ídolo de George Clooney, sino contra la Media liberal, que obligó a Estados Unidos a perder la Guerra de Viet-Nam y eso son siempre palabras mayores: las selvas de Indochina serán la alternativa del ciudadano americano otra vez en noviembre, de su cuenta queda si entrega de nuevo o decide salvarse. Si se pierde este frente de batalla, el “apaga y vamos” dejará sin efecto el famoso cartelito de los “rednecks” de “el último que se lleve la bandera”.
      En Nueva York, Mariela salió del closet, no a la manera de los que representa, sino políticamente: se declaró “disidente” (contra la globalización), a pesar de eso y por eso, tremendo problema para Yoani, porque tiene más reconocimiento, más “sponsors” y muchos más recursos que la esposa de Macho Rico. Si la nueva política de la tiranía consiste en aparentar una voz alternativa aunque diga lo mismo, se quedaron sin trabajo y sin dinero los “sajaristas” de Saladrigas, Montaner y Europa. De ratificarla se encargarán quienes la trajeron y los otros.
     Hay que ver que esta Mariela es imbécil, mucho más que sinverguenza: acaba de llegar un disidente chino ciego de una tiranía dictatorial menos mala desde hace más de 10 años que la que ella representa y lo mejor que se le ocurrió fue emplear la palabrita como en jodedera. Como postre, se pasó de estúpida pretendiéndose líder con poder de convocatoria al llamar al voto por Obama. Ahora, de que Obama coincide con su “ideario” como no lo hace con el del patriota chino es un hecho y no se necesita ayuda extra para convencer a nadie. Ah, la ministra de los homosexuales ratificó que ni su tío ni su padre tienen que pedirle perdón a ningún maricón por la persecusión y el confinamiento durante más de 30 años, porque sería de hipócritas, tampoco nadie se lo exigió, a fin de cuentas, esos son “machos” de estirpe inclaudicable e intransigente…
     Lo mejor de durante la semana pasada y lo que va de esta es la exigencia del gobierno polaco a Obama para que se excuse públicamente por ofender, a través de una metedura de pata histórica imperdonable, al pueblo de Walesa, al referirse a los campos de concentración alemanes en Polonia y considerarlos “polacos” en vez de nazis durante la ocupación.
     Obama, considerado uno de los presidentes que más estupideces ha dicho en toda la historia Americana (para mi el que más), que clasifica como uno de los menos preparados intelectualmente para el cargo en todos los sentidos, cometió la burrada durante la entrega de la Medalla de la Libertad a un polaco veterano de la 2da Guerra Mundial (Jan Karski) en la ceremonia anual al efecto. El galardón fue recibido por el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Polonia, Adam Daniel Rotfed, (en la foto con el presidente), a nombre del homenajeado. La Casi Blanca admitió el “gaffe”, realmente una barbaridad de tiempo de paz.
      De cierta forma, hay historias que merecen contarse: cuando Inglaterra le declaró la guerra al nazismo en 1939, la justificación de tamaña decision fue “por la invasion de Polonia por la Wehrmacht”; la entrada de Estados Unidos tiene como sostenes, primero, no permitir la caída de la Gran Albión y, la otra, enfrentar y derrotar al Eje nazi-fascista-japonés.
      Sin embargo, Winston Churchill se cansó de solicitarle al gobierno americano que abrieran el frente por los Balcanes antes de la fecha en que lo hicieron (el famoso Dia D por Normandía en 1944 ), al noreste de Francia, para contener la intención de Stalin, que iba más allá que derrotar al nazismo.
      El caso fue que los jefes militares aliados (soviéticos y americanos) se dieron la mano en Berlin, que Europa quedó dividida con el Este en manos soviéticas, que hubo que hacer maravillas diplomáticas para sacar a Austria del grupo ocupado y que apareció el Pacto de Varsovia, integrado por el Ejército Rojo y todos los otros sometidos como satélites.
      Como se sabe, Polonia quedó dentro de la Cortina de Hierro, lo que debe desacreditar y avergonzar a quien justifique el origen de esa conflagración con la intención de liberar a ese país.
      Sin embargo, los polacos, que han odiado en silencio tanto a los alemanes como a los rusos que a los americanos, estuvieron mas de 40 años tragándose la hiel, porque, ante los acontecimientos de la Guerra, los soviéticos se erigían como la voz impuesta representativa que reclamaban para ellos los millones de muertos del conflicto.
      Una vez que derrumbaron el Muro de Berlín, que recuperaron su patria y su voz soberana, los polacos no le dejan pasar una a ninguno de esos países a los que consideran los causantes de una tragedia superior en todo a la que sufrieron en el período 1939-45.
        Los responsables de las decisiones de Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, casualmente, fueron demócratas y demócrata es el que cometió “un error de discurso” hace horas con respecto a un asunto relacionado con aquella…
       Obama dijo lo que dijo por dos razones, ambas válidas: no sabe ni cómo se escribe la palabra Poland, a pesar de que hablar mierda es su hobby, pero sin base inteligente ni culta y, segundo, porque, como buen musulmán que es, lo traicionó su alma extremista radical y no pudo evitarlo.
       Sin embargo, aquella prensa que cazaba a los dos Bush, a Sarah Palin, a Dan Quayle… no aparece por ningún lado, por eso es peligroso para noviembre este tipo que, como los Castro, tampoco da excusas por sus c…..s”

British ship in Cuba to mark 250th anniversary of the Battle of Havana

HAVANA, Cuba (AP) -- A British fleet-support ship has docked in Havana's harbor as Cuba and the U.K. prepare to mark the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Havana.
The gray RFA Fort Rosalie arrived Wednesday morning with more than 100 crewmembers aboard. It tied up at the cruise ship terminal and was greeted by a band playing both countries' national anthems.
British forces laid siege to Havana in June 1762 during the Seven Years' War. At the time, the city was an important base for Spanish military power in the Western Hemisphere.
Havana remained under British control until the following year, when Spain ceded Florida under a treaty. The Fort Rosalie usually aids British Navy operations. Its visit coincides with British cultural week, which includes cinematic, theatrical and musical events.

A foot mailed in a package to the headquarters of the Conservative Party of Canada

A police officer removes a package containg a human foot from the Conservative Party …
MONTREAL - A low-income apartment complex in Montreal has become the epicentre of an investigation into the shocking case involving severed body parts, including a foot mailed in a package to the headquarters of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Police in masks have been combing through an apartment in the mid-rise brick building, zeroing in on one particular unit from which a rotten stench is drifting out, says a building resident.
The neighbour says police are showing people pictures of one man, while also asking questions about the unit's resident and about his possible connections.
Police have confirmed they are zeroing in on a suspect in the macabre case involving three body parts: the foot in a package opened at Conservative headquarters, a hand found at a Canada Post warehouse in Ottawa, and a torso in Montreal.
They all come from the same male victim, Montreal police confirmed Wednesday.
The packages in Ottawa were mailed from Montreal. Police shared other new details about the case Wednesday.
"The suspect and victim knew each other," Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere told reporters.
"It isn't linked to organized crime."
Police are expected to provide further information around 2 p.m.
The Canadian Press spoke to a man in the west-end Montreal neighbourhood where the torso was discovered — locked in a suitcase, in a pile of garbage.
"I saw the suitcase and I was tempted to go get it," said Richard Payette, 60.
He said police wearing masks were milling about one particular apartment in the building on the second floor. He said the door of that particular apartment was left open, and the smell of rotten meat was drifting out into the hallway.
Police showed neighbours a picture of a man — whom Payette said he didn't recognize.
What isn't clear yet is why body parts were mailed to Ottawa, including a foot received at the offices of the Conservative party and a hand found at a Canada Post warehouse.
Montreal police have taken over the investigation, while Ottawa police will continue to provide assistance.
The packages are linked to a grim discovery made behind an apartment building in Montreal, where a janitor found a decomposing male human torso stuffed in a suitcase tossed among garbage.
An autopsy was being conducted on the body part. It wasn't immediately clear where the rest of the body was.
Initially, there were contradictory reports over whether the Montreal and Ottawa cases were linked. While police were combing through garbage in Montreal looking for clues Tuesday, speculation had been rife that there might be a link to the more high-profile body part discovery in Ottawa.

China slowdown threatens US factory revival

An emerging renaissance in American manufacturing is staring at the oncoming threat of a global economic slowdown.
After investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in high tech equipment last year, Drew Greenblatt’s manufacturing business is beginning to see a return on that investment. Business was up 20 percent in 2011 at Marlin Steel, which makes wire baskets for industrial customers.
Exports are helping a lot. Greenblatt’s company just shipped to China a $20,000 order made at his Baltimore, Md., factory with steel supplied by a mill in Illinois.
Low wages and low-cost manufacturing used to make Chinese markets tough for U.S. manufacturers to break into. Today, rising wages in China are giving American companies second thoughts about moving their manufacturing jobs to China, Greenblatt said. More >>

Iran Threatens U.S. as New Cyber Super-Weapon Strikes

Iran is threatening to attack U.S. bases in the region with its missiles if it is attacked, but the reality is that the regime is already under attack. The latest all-but-certain covert operation is the deployment of sophisticated malware that is being called “The Flame.”  Its purpose appears to be the mass cultivation of intelligence and it is assessed to be 20 times more complex than Stuxnet, the original “cyber super-weapon” that ravaged Iran’s nuclear program.
The Flame has been discovered in seven Middle Eastern countries, though the number of infections found in Iran is more than the rest combined with 189 instances. There have been 98 infections detected in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Sudan was hit with 32 infections, a country whose regime is increasingly Islamist and friendly towards Hamas. There have been 30 infections found in Syria, 18 in Lebanon, 10 in Saudi Arabia and 5 in Egypt.
It is not believed at this time that the Flame targeted a specific industry or program like Stuxnet did. Instead, it is meant to act as the “the ultimate spy,” copying hard drive data, logging instant messages and other online communications, recording keystrokes, taking screenshots and even secretly turning on computer microphones to record nearby conversations. There is also the potential for sabotage because it can potentially delete information and change settings on computer systems, opening up doors for attack.

Who Is Behind The Occupy Movement? — on The Brewster Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, Josh Brewster filled in for Jamie Glazov as host and was joined by Gang members Ben Shapiro, Shari Goodman and Rob Nelson. In this third segment of a three part series, Brewster, the host of “Duck Calls,” the Anaheim Ducks’ postgame radio show on AM830 LA/Orange, CA., nurtured an animated debate between the guests on the Who Is Behind The Occupy Movement? To see Part I, which dealt with Egypt’s Election and Rising Islamists, click here. To see Part II, which focused on Getting Tough on Illegal Immigration, click here.
[For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.]

La demanda legal contra Aroldis Chapman

A Mano Limpia, mayo 21, 2012. Oscar Haza e invitados y testigos comentan sobre el conocido lanzador cubano de las grandes ligas Aroldis Chapman; acusado como un gran chivato castro comunista. Hay una demanda juridica civil contra Aroldis Chapman, responsable por la condena injusta de 10 años de prision que los tribunales castro comunistas impusieron al cubanoamericano Danilo Curbelo, en 2009, simplemente por darle voz a la opinion. Chapman y su padre fueron testigos de cargo en el juicio contra Curbelo en Cuba. Chapman es demandado basado en el estatuo de reclmacaion por agravios contra extranjeros. Chapman es demandado por "Propiciar la tortura y la prision" contra un cubano americano. Chapman habia intentado salir ilegalmente de Cuba un año antes del juicio y fue retirado de los Juegos Olimpicos de Pekin de 2008. Chapman es reintegrado al equipo nacional cubano luego del juicio contra Curbelo.

CEO of failed Spanish bank to walk away with over $17 million

Aurelio Izquierdo, will be entitled to €14 million in pension and termination benefits

Read >>

An Overview of Espionage Operations Based Out of the Cuban Interests Section

Since the US and Cuba do not have diplomatic relations, this facility is the conduit for contact with the Cuban government.  Politically, an “Interests Section” ranks one step below an Embassy.  The Cuban Interests Section is hosted by  Switzerland, which also hosts the US Interests Section in Havana.   One of only two Cuban diplomatic facilities in the US, it is the base for a considerable number of intelligence personnel and missions.

Judge shuts down mega-mosque construction

Work on a mega-mosque already well along in the construction process in Murfreesboro, Tenn., has been shut down – the existing building’s future uncertain – by a court’s ruling the county avoided the legal process required for granting building permission for the project.
The ruling said the county’s actions effectively violated the state’s Open Meetings law during the time when the mega-structure was being approved.
“The court finds that the action of the county was not sufficient to provide the type of notice to citizens of the county that such matters were to be considered at the meeting of the Rutherford County Regional Planning Commission which should be expected under our law,” said the opinion made public today from the Chancery Court of Tennessee, 16th District.
“Under the mandates of the statute, the court then finds that the actions of that commission regarding the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro were in fact void and of no effect.”
While there was a notice of the meeting in a local newspaper, the paper itself had “virtually no paid circulation,” and there was no showing of any notice on the county’s cable television station or on its website.
“The court assumed there was no ill intention or willful deception on the part of the county,” the ruling continued.
“We do not attribute any sinister motives to the county, though we note the undercurrent of the argument presented by the plaintiffs. We simply find that the county failed to publish the meeting…”
The opinion noted that under the county regulations there is not an entitlement to a public hearing, but there is a requirement that the public be properly notified.
It further said that the denial of permission for a building to be used “as a religious meeting place” must be done in a non-discriminatory manner.
Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, one of the attorneys working with the plaintiffs in the case, told WND the next step likely will be a renewal of the attempts by the county to grant building permission. He credited other attorneys on the case, Joe Brandon and Tom Smith, with arguing the case successfully.
He said the plaintiffs contended the process ignored several factors, including that the land where the now-unusable building stands formerly was a pig farm, which is supposed to be anathema to Muslims.
He called it a “political power move” on the part of the powers who wanted the mosque to be built.
The Muslim organization building the mega-mosque had obtained permission for nearly 53,000 square feet of buildings on its lot of land, and the first 12,000-square-soot section was nearly done.
Rutherford County officials have said that they don’t expect any buildings to be torn down, even though the process was violated.
Pamela Geller, publisher of AtlasShrugs.com, also is the author of the WND Books title “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance” and “The Post American Presidency: The Obama’s Administration’s war on America,” published by Simon Schuster.
She revealed how the Department of Justice, which though it has named the Islamic Society of North America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and other key Muslim groups and figures as unindicted co-conspirators in a scheme to fund the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, filed a friend-of-the-court brief demanding that the case against the Murfreesboro mosque be dismissed.

Cuba y Siria: La impunidad y sed de sangre de los dictadores/ Espinaxiones

Con las informaciones procedentes de Siria, lo ocurrido en Houla donde masacraron a mas de 100 personas los agentes de la dictadura, no puedo dejar de pensar en la masacre ocurrida frente al inocente Malecon habanero donde fueron masacradas 42 personas, la gran mayoria mujeres y niños que pretendian menos que estos infelices de Siria, pues solo pensaban en dejar de disfrutar del paraiso kaxtrante.
Hasta la Rusia de Putin ha tratado de lavarse las manos y distanciarse de este criminal Bashar al Assad.
La mosca muerta cubana no se ha pronunciado claramente para no embarrarse demasiado, aunque ha dejado al energumeno venezolano ayudando con petroleo y respaldo politico a esta descontrolada dictadura siria.
Tambien recuerdo como pocos dias antes de que el pueblo rumano se deshiciera y ajusticiara a Ceausescu, una delegacion de alto nivel del Partido Comunista de Cuba participo en el congreso del Partido Rumano cuando ya era inminente por desvergonzado y criminal el completo desmerengue del supuesto campo fascio-socialista.

Canada - 'Suspicious package' sent to Tory headquarters

Several news outlets are reporting that a suspicious package delivered to the Conservative Party of Canada's headquarters in Ottawa appears to be a human foot.
The reports note that more than a dozen emergency vehicles and the haz-mat team arrived to investigate the package left at 130 Albert St after it was partially opened by a receptionist and deemed suspicious.
There are also unconfirmed stories that at least one Conservative staffer became ill.
Two men in white jumpsuits and masks were seen exiting the building around 1:45 p.m. pushing a large barrel.
Both the Tories and the police are refusing to confirm the box's contents.
"A suspicious package was sent to our office," Conservative Party spokesman Fred DeLorey told the Globe and Mail.
"The Ottawa police are investigating.  All questions should be referred to them."
Ottawa Police said they are still investigating and would not confirm whether the offices were still under quarantine.
A police sergeant at the party's offices on Albert Street, just blocks from Parliament Hill, said he expected the Ottawa Police major crimes unit to issue a statement, possibly later today.
With files from Canadian Press

Cuba's oil blackmail finally revealed

Especially thanks to  Capitol Hill Cubans
The AP ran an article over the weekend, which reveals how the intense Cuba oil campaign of the last few years has simply been a ploy to pressure the U.S. to lift sanctions.

The fact remains -- as we've been stating for years -- that U.S. sanctions remain the biggest impediment for the Castro regime to ever become a petro-dictatorship.

Read the following article carefully (with our observations in parenthesis):

It was supposed to be Cuba's economic savior: vast untapped reserves of black gold buried deep under the rocky ocean floor.

But the first attempt in nearly a decade to find Cuba's hoped-for undersea oil bonanza has come up dry, and the island's leaders and their partners must regroup and hope they have better luck - quickly.

Experts say it is not unusual that a 3-mile (4.8-kilometer) deep exploratory well drilled at a cost of more than $100 million by Spanish oil giant Repsol was a bust. Four out of five such wells find nothing in the high-stakes oil game, and petroleum companies are built to handle the losses.

But Cuba has more at stake, and only a few more spins left of the roulette wheel. The enormous Scarabeo-9 platform being used in the hunt is the only one in the world that can drill in Cuban waters without incurring sanctions under the U.S. economic embargo, and it is under contract for only one to four more exploratory wells before it heads off to Brazil.

"If oil is not found now I think it would be another five to 10 years before somebody else comes back and drills again," said Jorge Pinon, the former president of Amoco Oil Latin America and a leading expert on Cuba's energy prospects. "Not because there is no oil, but because the pain and tribulations that people have to go through to drill in Cuba are not worth it when there are better and easier options in places like Angola, Brazil or the U.S. Gulf of Mexico."

(CHC: Chalk one up for sanctions.)

A delay would be catastrophic for Cuba, where 80-year-old President Raul Castro is desperately trying to pull the economy out of the doldrums through limited free-market reforms, and has been forced to cut many of the subsidies islanders have come to expect in return for salaries of just $20 a month.

It could also leave the Communist-governed island more dependent on Venezuela, where President Hugo Chavez is ailing with cancer. Chavez provides Cuba with $3 billion worth of heavily subsidized oil every year, a deal that might evaporate if he dies or fails to win re-election in October.

(CHC: Chavez's billionaire oil subsidies to Castro have left Venezuela's national oil company, PDVSA, on the verge of collapse, so he needs an out.)

An oil find, on the other hand, would potentially improve Cuba's long-bitter relations with the United States, some analysts suggest. They say the U.S. oil industry could lobby Congress to loosen the embargo so it could get in on Cuba's oil game. At the very least, coordination between the Cold War enemies would be necessary to prepare for any spill that could coat beaches in the U.S. and Cuba with black goo.

(CHC: There you have it.)

The Cuban government has not commented on Repsol's announcement May 18 that the first well came up dry, and declined to make any oil officials or experts available to be interviewed for this article.

(CHC: Note how it is the Castro regime that makes "experts" available to the media.)

Next in line for using the drilling rig in Cuban waters is Malaysia's Petronas, which holds the rights to explore an area in the Florida Straits known as the Northbelt Thrust, about 110 miles (180 kilometers) southwest of Repsol's drill site. Wee Yiaw Hin, Petronas' executive vice president of exploration and production, told The Associated Press that drilling has begun and he expects results by the end of July.

(CHC: It is not a coincidence that Petronas is now going through the same dog-and-pony show as Repsol, as they were both "coincidentally" granted billions worth of Venezuelan oil concessions by Chavez in 2010 -- around the same time they signed commitments to drill off Cuba's shores. Remember, Chavez needs an out quickly. Can you say blackmail?)

After that, two industry experts said, Repsol is under contract to drill a second well, though it could get out of the deal by paying a penalty to Saipem, the Italian company that owns the rig. Kristian Rix, a spokesman for Repsol in Madrid, said a decision on whether to sink another well was still being evaluated.

(CHC: Not going to happen. Repsol already announced that it is pulling out of Cuba altogether.)

Venezuela's PDVSA and Sonangol of Angola have options to drill next, but are under no obligation if they don't like their odds. While both countries are strong allies of Cuba, at $100 million a well, the decision to drill will likely be based solely on economics.

(CHC: Key phrase here is no legal "obligation.")

Even if oil is found, the Scarabeo-9 is under contract to power up its eight enormous thrusters and sail to Brazil after that, with no date set for its return to Cuba. The bottleneck highlights the difficulties Cuba faces, and why it could be well into the 2020s before the island sees any oil windfall.

(CHC: Say bye-bye Scarabeo.)

"Assuming they're successful in finding oil, to bring the oil to market will take years of development efforts," said Victor Shum, an energy analyst with consulting firm Purvin & Gertz in Singapore.

Once an exploratory well finds oil, companies generally drill between 10 and 20 additional wells nearby to get a sense of the reservoir's size. The process can take several years even under normal circumstances, and circumstances are not normal in Cuba.

The Scarabeo-9 was built in Asia with less than 10 percent U.S.-made parts to avoid violating Washington's embargo, making it the only rig in the world that meets the requirement. That means no other rig could be used in Cuba without risking U.S. sanction, and the additional wells would have to be drilled by the rig one at a time, with each taking about 100 days to complete. At about three wells a year, it could take up to six years for this second phase - assuming the rig is available.

After gauging a reservoir's size, an oil company then must assess whether the economics of a field make it a prime spot for exploitation, or whether to concentrate resources elsewhere.

If exploitation does go forward, complicated equipment is required to pull oil from such depths. Several industry experts said the only country that produces the necessary apparatus is the United States, although Brazil and other countries are working to catch up. Unless they do, the oil could not be removed unless the U.S. embargo was lifted or altered.

(CHC: There you have it. Even if oil is ever found, it cannot be extracted unless sanctions are lifted. Thus, this is all a big lobbying bet.)

"A lot of folks are looking at the energy sector in Cuba because they are looking at a Cuba of five years from now, or 10 years from now," said Pinon. "So a lot of people are betting that either the embargo is going to be lifted, or the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba is going to improve in some way."

(CHC: Like we said.)

Still, the benefits of hitting a gusher would be enormous for Cuba, and the impact could be felt long before any oil was pumped.

Because of the embargo, Cuba is shut off from borrowing from international lending institutions, and the island's own poor record of repayment has left most other creditors leery. Cuba, for instance, owes the Paris Club of creditor nations nearly $30 billion.

An oil find could change the game, with Cuba using future oil riches as collateral to secure new financing, economists say. They point to China and Brazil as potential sources of new funding, but say neither is likely to put money into the island without reasonable confidence they will get their investment back.

Lee Hunt, the recently retired president of the Houston-based International Association of Drilling Contractors, said the stakes are enormous for Cuba that one of the wells hits oil before the Scarabeo-9 leaves. Hunt has worked to bring U.S. and Cuban industry and environmental groups together.

"If the only rig you can work with is gone, it's like somebody took your shovel away," Hunt said. "You are not going to dig any holes without a shovel, even if you know the treasure is down there."

(CHC: Isn't this the same guy on the D.C. lobbying circuit pretending he's only concerned about the potential environmental impact if a spill were to happen? Sounds like he has a bigger stake than that.)

Cuba- The Beatles, homosexualismo y diversionismo ideologico

Allen Ginsberg [d] y Peter Orlovsky [NY-1963]
Por Andrés Pascual

En medio del terror, como aquellos franceses que subían al estrado en la Convención a defender sus ideas a sabiendas de que, si no eran mayoría en esa sesión, el informe final corría a cargo de la guillotina impuesta como símbolo eterno de “los que pueden”, el dramaturgo cubano Virgilio Piñera enfrentó la decapitación de la libertad de expresión y pensamiento decretada por el propio tirano con la frase “Comandante, solo puedo decirle que tengo mucho miedo…” Piñera era homosexual y su convicción oral debería registrarse como la única oposición que escuchó Castro cuando decidió que “dentro de la Revolución todo; contra la Revolución nada…” en sus Palabras a los Intelectuales en la Biblioteca Nacional en 1961. Al insigne escritor nunca dejaron de hostigarlo, en realidad lo mataron de miedo después de un interrogatorio en el DSE tras haber sufrido un ataque cardíaco que le repitió.

Al año siguiente del discurso de la Biblioteca Nacional, el tirano puso en práctica otro acto que no encubría ni la mínima intención de saneamiento social; sino que estaba estructurada en los cánones de la continuación del terror, iniciado en 1959 con los fusilamientos de la Causa # 1/59; con los fusilamientos a partir del 15 de abril de 1961; con todas las causas abiertas de índole política cuyas sanciones bestiales se hicieron realidad en mas de 100,000 cubanos que cumplieron entre 15-30 años y en el cumplimiento de la consolidación de la dictadura a través del control absoluto de todo lo que respiraba o no en el país: como una parodia de la Noche de los Cuchillos Largos de Hitler en 1934, la tiranía se inventó “La Noche de las Tres P”, porque fueron recogidos de las calles y enviados a trabajo forzado en Guanacabibes o a las prisiones de provincias todas las prostitutas, los proxenetas y los homosexuales que pudieron.

Esas recogidas fueron el pretexto, como la UMAP, para sacar de circulación a potenciales luchadores contra Castro, sospechosos de no “simpatizar con el proceso”; hijos de padres a los que les habían robado alguna propiedad; o porque eran asiduos a la Iglesia.

El 19 de noviembre de 1965 abren los campamentos de la UMAP en Camaguey, pero la primera prueba se hizo en 1962 con la recogida de las Tres P y el trabajo forzado en Pinar del Río. El salvaje Gulap castrocomunista se cerró en 1968.

A principios de 1965, poco antes de que el gaucho infernal fuera enviado al matadero en Africa por Castro, que logró evadir porque casi corrió sobre las aguas del río Congo, el poeta Allan Ginsberg se declaró homosexual en La Habana y perdió la cabeza al comentar en público que “quiero conocer a ese atractivo Che que ustedes guardan aquí…” Dicen que el inoportuno deseo lo manifestó a las 10 de la mañana y a las 2 y media de la tarde volaba hacia Praga, y tuvo suerte, porque un choque frontal con el asesino argentino le hubiera podido costar la cabeza; o la cárcel como agente de la C.I.A.

En 1966 sacaron de circulación Paradiso, de José Lezama Lima, también homosexual, tal vez su obra cumbre como narrador de clase mundial que tiene un alto contenido erótico equivocado para los cánones de “libertad y tolerancia castrocomunista”. Lezama, como Piñera, fue “desterrado dentro de Cuba” y recuperado “para el área dólar hace poco”

En 1969 Bohemia publicó un ensayito del “chupatintas de buró” del gobierno del liliputiense Armando Hart en el Ministerio de Educación, Abel Prieto Morales, con el título “La Homosexualidad”. Era un manifiesto abiertamente anti homosexual. Abel “el Cojo” era el padre del flamante Ministro de Cultura de hoy, artífice de la escultura alegórica “Lennon en el banco de un parque habanero” y tío político de la canta-autora cubana anticastrista Marisela Verena. Abelito es Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas y padece del vicio irrefrenable por mal escribir del mediocre sin remedio; pero con el odio natural de los frustrados de las letras a quienes lo hacen bien, de ahí su crítica constante contra Cabrera Infante, Gastón Baquero o Mario Vargas Llosa.

The Beatles significó diversionismo ideológico para el castro comunismo, en la definición se mezclaron la conducta homosexual y la oposición a la tiranía; pero el rechazo de la dictadura al homosexual escondía la represión al posible anticastrista por la facilidad de relacionarse con extranjeros que tiene los gays, al que siempre vieron como un colaborador a corto plazo del principal “coco” de Castro, la C.I.A.

Sin embargo, a principios de 1966 entró a Cuba un lote de guaguas Leyland y, con estas, como obsequio, un documental de 25 minutos del principal renglón de exportación del Reino Unido: The Beatles, que se proyectó durante por lo menos 6 meses y que todos los adolescentes de la época vimos y repetimos por lo menos 30 veces. Después no se volvió a proponer algo sobre el cuarteto como no fuera usarlo de justificación de la lucha contra conductas “desviadas” contrarrevolucionarias o que tuvieran esencia, según ellos, homosexual.

Muchos grupos “en inglés” se escucharon por la radio oficial castrista antes que The Beatles hasta mediados de 1967: The Animals, The Herman Hermits, Mamas and Papas, The Monkees…

Pero, cuando pusieron por primera vez en radio en 1967 al cuarteto de Liverpool, un verdadero bombardeo de música del conjunto se precipitó sobra la audiencia juvenil, al extremo de que Festival, que había movido su horario de entre 3-4 de la tarde a entre 6-7, programó durante casi todos los sábados de por lo menos 6 meses un mano a mano en la hora de duración del espacio en 1969 entre el conjunto inglés y cualquier grupo que estuviera a mano, incluyendo a varios en español como Los Bravos, La Fórmula V, Los Brincos, Los Mustangs…

El alerta sobre la influencia musical juvenil llegado del extranjero tuvo su nivel rojo por la celebración del Festival de Música Varadero-70, que se celebró inexplicablemente ese año a pesar de que esas señales habían sido dadas por el que le precedió en 1967. Si bien este año desde España llegó Massiel con canciones fácilmente convalidables con el mensaje castrista y procomunista, en 1970 lo hicieron los Bravos, Los Mustangs y Los Ángeles, además de Luis Gardel, Sergio Endrigo y Rosalía, que no decían algo que frustrara a una juventud ávida de cualquier cosa que no fuera Castro, Che Guevara, imposiciones restrictivas en todo y los 10 millones van.

Ese festival, implícitamente, fue el tema que originó el Informe al 1er. Congreso de Educación y Cultura en 1971 y, de ahí, el mensaje represivo contra el anticastrismo encubierto en anti homosexualismo, que le convirtió en una infectocontagiosa de cuarentena por siempre jamás: “…son numerosos y están en todos los medios y profesiones; muchos son homosexuales y otros heterosexuales. El hecho no es reconocerlos o desconocerlos; sino atacarlos, erradicarlos, que no sean conductores de nuestra niñez ni tengan posibilidad de lidiar con la grey infantil en ninguna forma…”

A partir de este informe se puso de nuevo en movimiento la maquinaria que reprimiría con igual saña que 10 años antes a quienes escuchaban a Elvis, a Paul Anka, a Manolo Muñoz o a Luis Bravo, a quien lo hiciera con The Beatles, Bad Company o Led Zeppelin…La suerte de la música pop inglesa estaba echada.

En una fosa para un tipo raro y curioso de “soldado desconocido” se enterraban los sueños de dos generaciones de jóvenes cubanos hasta que al mismo criminal que produjo la tragedia se le ocurrió, con ayuda de un desleal y sietemesinos Ministro de Incultura de nueva edición, hacerle una estatua a un Beatle liberal que, por estúpido, no lo usó a favor de su doctrina maligna y maloliente, que bien pudo: John Lennon.

Family robbed after idiot teen posts photo of 'large sum of cash' on Facebook

On Thursday, a teenage girl posted a photo of a "large sum of cash" on Facebook. About seven hours later, two robbers arrived at her family's home. Unsurprisingly, this incident prompted local authorities to issue a warning about the dangers of posting photographs online.
According to BBC News, the 17-year-old girl was helping her 72-year-old grandmother count her cash savings when she decided to snap a photo of the money and post it on Facebook. A press release by the local police force explains that this social media activity occured in Sydney, Australia at about 4 p.m. on Thursday. At 11:30 p.m. on the same day, a house about 75 miles south-west was invaded by two armed men. The girl's mother, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy were home at the time.
Brandishing a knife and a wooden club, the two men "allegedly entered the home demanding to speak with the girl about the cash" seen in the Facebook photo. After the girl's mother explained that she no longer lives at that address, the men proceeded to search the house and "took a small amount of cash and other personal property before leaving."
It is unclear how the robbers connected the girl's social media activity to her mother's home address, but authorities are nonetheless urging "users of social media to take extreme caution when posting photographs and personal information." I suspect that's a polite way of saying "Use some common sense, folks!"

Repito!!! Repsol se va de Cuba

la gente que esta en el negocio de la prospeccion de crudos sabe perfectamente que a pesar de las avanzadas tecnologias de ubicacion de yacimientos, es necesario realizar varias perforaciones antes de hacer bingo. luego la retirada de repsol no obedece a que en un primer intento no obtuvieran resultados, sino al temor cierto que luego de inversiones billonarias se encuentre petroleo y por cualquier oscuro pretexto el regimen decida expropiar las instalaciones tal y como le ocurrio en argentina con el beneplacito de la'bana. a robar a casa de tu madre pensaran los ejecutivos e inversionistas de repsol.
El Mundo.es/
La española Repsol se marchará de Cuba después de no haber encontrado petróleo en la primera perforación que ha realizado en aguas en la isla, según se desprende de lo manifestado en Madrid por su presidente, Antonio Brufau.
"Lo razonable es que no tengamos más actividad en Cuba", dijo el máximo responsable de la petrolera española durante la presentación de la estrategia de Repsol hasta el año 2016. La petrolera "no va a hacer ningún intento más" en la isla para encontrar hidrocarburos, añadió.
Repsol contrató una plataforma para perforación en aguas ultraprofundas que llegó a Cuba a finales de enero. Tras una primera perforación en la zona económica exclusiva que la isla tiene en el Golfo de México, la compañía española comprobó que el pozo estaba seco.
"El pozo que hicimos resultó seco y casi con toda seguridad no vamos a hacer más actividad allí", insistió Brufau. En esa zona económica exclusiva operan varias petroleras extranjeras como la venezolana PDVSA y la vietnamita PetroVietnam, que tienen contratos firmados con el gobierno de Raúl Castro.
Cuba estima que en el lugar, de unos 112.000 kilómetros cuadrados, existen unas reservas de crudo de unos 20.000 millones de barriles.

enrisco: Carta al presidente de la Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York

well done!!! donde quiera que asomen el c... hay que hacerles saber contundentemente a los "enviados" y a las autoridades locales -en ocasiones complacientes mas alla de lo "politicamente correcto"- que cubanos libres y dignos ejercen su derecho democratico de desenmascararlos ante la opinion publica.   
Leer  >>

Spain's Repsol may leave Cuba after dry well

Repsol's Chairman Antonio Brufau
May 29 (Reuters) - Spanish oil firm Repsol is considering pulling out of Cuba after its first well in an oil exploration project off the island came up dry, its chairman said.
"We're not going to drill any more ... I'm almost certain we won't do any more activities there," Chairman Antonio Brufau said at a news conference to present the firm's 2012-2016 strategy on Tuesday. (Reporting By Tracy Rucinski; Editing by Sonya Dowsett.

New malware is 20 times size of Stuxnet

Researchers have identified a sophisticated new computer virus 20 times the size of Stuxnet, the malicious software that disabled centrifuges in an Iranian nuclear plant. But unlike Stuxnet, the new malware appears to be used solely for espionage.
Variously dubbed Flame, Skywiper and Flamer, the new virus is the largest and possibly most complex piece of malware ever discovered, which suggests it is state-sponsored, researchers said.
It is loaded with functions, but so far none appear to be destructive, they said.
As with Stuxnet, the creator of Flame remains a mystery, though some analysts say they suspect Israel and the United States, given the virus’s sophistication, among other things.
Some researchers say that certain characteristics common to Stuxnet and Flame suggest that whoever ordered up Stuxnet is also behind Flame.
“It’s very likely it’s two teams working effectively on the same program but using two very different approaches,” said Roel Schouwenberg, a senior researcher with Kaspersky Labs, a Russian cybersecurity firm, which announced its analysis of Flame on Monday.
Still, much research remains to be done on the new virus, which has also been analyzed by CrySys, a cryptography and system security lab at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. More >>