jueves, abril 26, 2012

Cardinal Ortega, How Can a "Holy Man" Be So Vile?

Capitol Hill Cubanas/
This week, Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega presented a conference at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Upon being asked about the 12 dissidents that sought sanctuary in a Cuban Church, trying to call attention to the human rights violations on the island, Cardinal Ortega adopted the same vile language and defamations of the Castro regime saying:

"I'm sorry to say, but they were a group of delinquents, one was an ex-prisoner that was returned to Cuba, excludables sent to Cuba... they were people without any level of culture, some with psychological problems."

Delinquents? Excludables? People without any level of culture?

Then, the Cardinal has the audacity to lecture us about "reconciliation."

Fortunately, from Havana, Ladies in White leader Berta Soler appropriately responded to the Cardinal's insults:

"If the Cardinal followed the Social Doctrine of the Church, the first thing he should have done was to visit those men, who were not delinquents, and pray with them. Not ask that they be forcibly removed."

It's time for the Vatican to accept Ortega's retirement.

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