viernes, abril 13, 2012

First Cuba offshore well going slowly, mid-May finish seen

By Jeff Franks
HAVANA, April 13 (Reuters) - Drilling of the first well in the long-awaited exploration of Cuba's offshore oilfields has gone slower than expected, but should be completed by mid-May, sources close to the project said on Fri day.
They said drillers had encountered harder rock beneath the sea bed than expected, which combined with other minor problems, had slowed progress.
When drilling began on Feb. 1, Spanish oil giant Repsol YPF said the average deepwater well takes 60 days to complete, but that many drag on much longer, depending on conditions.
A Repsol spokesman could not confirm on Friday the projected mid-May completion date.
This well, which is in 5,600 feet (1,706 metres) of water off the communist-run island's northwest coast, is the first of five currently planned, Cuban officials say.
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