miércoles, abril 11, 2012

Canada & The Moron Majority

The 2nd largest country in the world, known primarily for its snow, beer, whiskey and fine Montreal strippers. Canada is a passive place, where only criminals have guns, Liberals are conservative, and hockey is more important than Healthcare. The francophones hate the anglophones, the anglophones hate the francophones, and everybody hates the Liberals. Urban Dictionary

"Moron Majority"

(Brian Goble)
No Wishes, No Prayers, 1982

A coldness spreads across the nation
People claim that it’s what they want
Cause then at least they can say they made it
That they were on the side that won
As we go wallowing in apathy
The stench spreads across the nation
But people plug their noses well
And claim that their distractions are all real
An ostrich mind in the structured cell
As we go wallowing in apathy, yeah we’re wallowing in apathy
Now we’re ruled by the moral moron majority
With their closed, backward minds
Spouting all their sacred brainwashed lies
We got the, the bigots push for world destruction
Run and smash, we can change today
Religious phobics twisting psalms to destruction
As preaching liars attempt to twist our minds
We celebrate a new aggressive transition
A unity in death with the lord’s design
As we go wallowing in apathy, as we wallow in our apathy
Now we’re ruled by the moral moron majority
With their closed, backward minds
Spouting all their sacred brainwashed lies
We got the, the bigots push for world destruction
Must burn and smash and we can change today
Oh yeah

Subhumans (Canada)

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