viernes, marzo 09, 2012

Obama working on the Fundamental Transformation of Canada

Canadian Free Press/ By Judi McLeod 
News guaranteed to shake Canadians off their duffs: Obama covets Canada.
King-of-the-World-Legend-in-his-own-Mind Barack Obama sees Canada not as a Parliamentary Democracy, but as part of his Marxist-inspired empire.
Nine months after Canada’s May 2011 federal election where Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper took 40% of the vote winning 166 seats for his first majority, the same groups that put Obama in the office to which they are hellbent to return him come November 6,  work to overturn the results of the Canadian election. 
The coming battle for the protection of Canadian sovereignty could be called the People’s War against a North American Union on Steroids.
Overturning Canadian democracy is being aided and abetted by the leaders of documented Obama groups,  including Ben Brandzei, a former advocacy director for, as well as Ross McGregor, Director of the Tides Canada Foundation.  And yes, that is the Canadian branch of George Soros’ Tides Foundation. 
Virtually and almost overnight,  Arab Spring has become Canadian Spring.
Glenn Beck boosted Sun Media’s exposé on the attack on Canadian democracy on GBTV last night.
Canadian alert: Spooky Dude has come to Dodge.
Thanks to the Andrew Breitbarts of Canada at Sun News Network, the stealth attack on Canadian democracy didn’t go down without a shot to Canadian adrenaline: “While the United States presidential election is raging on, several Canadian politicians are complaining about what they call “American-style dirty tricks” up north—specifically, the increasing use of robocalls.  The problem is that many of the politicians complaining about this behavior are themselves working closely with American left-wing groups closely affiliated with the Obama campaign. (Sun News Network’s Brian Lilley).
“What has happened is that the left has imported what they claim they hate…
“This group has an entire campaign to push people to contact Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the other party leaders, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and William Corbett, the Commissioner of Canada Elections—he’s the lead investigator for any wrongdoing in the election…
“These are high level Americans with deep ties to the left wing of the Democratic Party now trying to overturn Canadian democracy.”
Activists behind the move are claiming that an online petition represents a “grassroots” move of the Canadian people.  Social media has become Socialist media in this Web grassroots petition.
In short, the “grassroots” is the same group of New Democrat Party, Liberals and the Greens who tried to form the coalition to take down the Stephen Harper Government when it was still in its second minority status.
They may sound new on the latest news-bite, but they are the same old-same old.
Canadians who care about sovereignty should know that the NDP, the Liberals and the Greens are now working in tandem with Obama on what boils down to the Fundamental Transformation of Canada.
While Obama and his activists have worked an agenda that will push America into the abyss, the Canadian far left have been working their way out of the nine-month-old tizzy the last federal election left them in. 
The far-left dubbed “Scary” Stephen Harper got his majority leaving the left with no battle ground from which to con Canadian voters.  Well regulated Canadian banks are safe and Canada is one of the few western countries not headed towards certain bankruptcy.
When Obama threw Israel under the bus, Harper took a strong stand to support it, which he continues to the present day.
When Obama turned up his imperious nose at the 30,000-plus job-providing Keystone Pipeline, Harper looked to China as a customer for Canadian oil.
Obama tries to force world-failed Socialism on the USA.  Harper leads Canada from the values of small-c conservatism.
The once preposterous warning that the US would annex Canada is now reality with Obama in the White House.
Meanwhile, there’s no better time than today for Canadians to kickstart the ‘Back Off Baraka’ Campaign.

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