sábado, marzo 10, 2012

[Obama] Legitimizing Anarchy

Posted by Judi McLeod

The crucial time for average citizens to take back their streets from the anarchists is to take them back before anarchy even erupts
imageTalking heads,  bloggers and pundits who repeat the cop-out falsehood that “Obama is in over his head” are leading the masses astray and lulling them back to sleep.  Count the number of times you’re hearing or reading daily that “Obama is in over his head”.  Obama is not in over his head, he’s over their heads and therefore over some of the heads of the badly misinformed We the People.
Barack Hussein Obama is no accident.  He’s the slick and well-trained lead Agent of Change,  handpicked by the far left to force Free World leader America into a socialist state.

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