miércoles, marzo 28, 2012

How Many Crimes Did the New Black Panthers Commit in Florida?

PJMedia/ By J. Christian Adams
When New Black Panther Mikhail Muhammad called for the mobilization of a 10,000-strong black male mob to capture George Zimmerman, we glimpsed into the depths of racial depravity of the organization. “An eye for an eye,” Muhammad threatened.  A cash bounty for Zimmerman, “dead or alive,” provided a nasty incentive for thugs across the land.

But did a crime occur in the New Black Panther Party’s call for mob vengeance against Zimmerman? Quite possibly.
I’ve been familiar with this crowd since the day President Obama was elected when I worked at the Department of Justice.  Soon after election day 2008, I and other attorneys would bring a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers.  The Obama administration famously dismissed the case.  Afterwards, I and another DOJ lawyer testified under oath about the hostility within the Obama DOJ to bringing cases against defendants like the NBPP.  Nobody has ever contradicted the specifics of our testimony, or the details in my book Injusticewhich describes, among other things, Eric Holder’s personal involvement in the Panther case dismissal.
Now Florida officials may have a chance to do what Eric Holder refused to do — bring these New Black Panther gangsters to justice once and for all.
State Attorney Norman Wolfinger is busy these days.  While he is busy looking at the underlying facts of the Trayvon Martin tragedy, he needs to look at the New Black Panther threats also.
America is not a land where thugs should be allowed to threaten free Americans who have been charged with no crime.  Seminole County, Florida, is not Ox-Bow Canyon, where resolutions come quick by murderers with rope and a tree.
We can thank Eric Holder in part for the disgusting bravado we’ve seen from these lawless thugs over the last few days.  Not only did his DOJ drop the voter intimidation charges against them, the DOJ refuses to bring what appears to be slam dunk felon-in-possession gun charges against one member.
The New Black Panthers act like they are above the law because so far they have been.
Americans are taking renewed notice of the New Black Panthers and the politicians who have enabled them.  What sort of country have we become that racist uniformed thugs can stalk polls and threaten free citizens with mob arrest and murder?  Is this a post-racial America, or a wicked reminder of a lawless age we thought we had moved beyond forever?  More >>

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