martes, marzo 20, 2012

Cuba’s Ladies in White warned public protests no longer allowed - Cuba -

“They told us that our dear ones are no longer in prison, so this small space will no longer be permitted,” group leader Berta Soler said of the Santa Rita protests. Her husband, Angel Moya, was among the dozen political prisoners who were freed and stayed on the island.
Soler said the top State Security officer in charge of watching the Ladies in White, a man who only identifies himself as Alejandro, gave the same message Saturday to her and members Alejandrina García and Laura Maria Labrado, daughter of the group’s late founder, Laura Pollán.
“We were told that we were given the opportunity to march because we were a humanitarian group, but that now they are not going to tolerate this anymore,” Soler told El Nuevo Herald by phone from her Havana home. Labrado and García confirmed her account.
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