miércoles, marzo 14, 2012

Canadian Liberal Message: Straight from Boston, USA

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Canada Free Press/ By Judi McLeod
Socialist newly-minted Liberal Bob Rae, just like President Barack Obama, is a radical in public office.
In taking over leadership of Canada’s Liberal Party last year, Rae, Ontario’s first (and mercifully, last) openly Socialist premier, inherited big time Obama campaign help from former Canadian Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff.
Up to 2011,  Ignatieff was being groomed for Canadian prime ministership by former Obama adviser Larry Summers. Ignatieff has even stronger ties to Samantha Power, wife of Czar Cass Sunstein who had Obama’s ear for taking America to war in Libya.  Rebuffed by voters in Canada’s May 2, 2011 election, Ignatieff was the first candidate for prime minister to run with campaign help from members of the Obama campaign.
In fact, according to CP24, Ignatieff is “good friends” with Samantha Power, a senior adviser to Obama during his presidential campaign, a member of his transition team and now a member of the National Security Council. 
“Ignatieff met Power, a Pulitzer Prize winning author, journalist and academic, when he became director of the Carr Center.  Power was the center’s founding executive director.
“He also became friends with Power’s husband, Cass Sunstein, a Harvard professor and constitutional law expert who now heads up the White House Office of Information and Regulatory affairs.
“And he got to know Larry Summers, president of Harvard during Ignatieff’s stint at the Carr Center.  Obama has appointed Summers as director of the National economic Council.
Both Ignatieff and Obama are products of Harvard University.
This is why it is all the more outrageous that Rae would send out an Obama-like ‘Friend’ email (See Below) to the entire country on the so-called Robocalls “scandal”, described by the National Post’s Kelly McParland: “A scandalous absence of scandal in robocalls scandal” (National Post, March 13, 2012).
When ganged up together,  the Liberal Party, New Democrat Party et al excel in cooked up scandals.  More >>

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