martes, marzo 27, 2012

Bob Rae Liberals look for money from public to save them from Big Bad Tories

CFP/ Judi McLeod 
Little did the Obama Team’s Director of Communications Jason Rosenbaum know when he passed along Number 7041885, falsely naming Canada Free Press (CFP) as a ‘Friend’ and ‘Supporter’  to Canadian Liberals,  that it would shine the light on the direct link that exists between the Obama Democrats and the Canadian Liberals.
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau included CFP on a nation-wide call for donations in an email yesterday.  Trudeau (yes, the son of late Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the same one that eliminated property rights in the repatriated Canadian Constitution)  lists CFP as ‘Friend’ and ‘Supporter—just like Rosenbaum.
Number 7041885 is getting tired of hits for money we would never send the Lib/Left.
When it comes to both fundraising technique and computer software, the Obama Dems and Canadian Liberals are playing ‘toesies’ in the same plumped up feather bed.
The Obama Team pesters ‘supporters’ for “just $5” from lists shared by representatives and senators to save them from yet another fundraising deadline.  The Canadian Liberals pare it down to $4.
And get this for blatant Canadian Liberal hypocrisy: “With just 12 hours left on the clock and $53,613 needed to reach our $200,000 goal—it’s time to decide if you will stand up to the Republican-style attacks that are cheapening Canada’s politics.” (See below).
That’s the opening of the email Justin Trudeau sent Monday.
“2,667 Liberals—more than half first-time donors—have already made their choice, and they’re hoping you, too, will stand with them against these poisonous politics.”
It’s “cheapening Canadian politics” and “poisonous politics” alright when the Liberals expect the Canadian public to pay for attack ads for Liberals just to get even with Conservatives.
When the going gets tough, the Liberals run to the public at large to pay for the challenging business of being in politics.  At the departure of failed Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, successor Bob Rae went on line asking the public to pay for the Liberal website.  That was back in early January.  Now the Liberals want public funds to pay for television ads responding to the Conservative ones reminding people that Liberal Leader Bob Rae and the Socialist Premier who left a legacy of high deficits in Ontario are one and the same.
Even after a lifetime in politics, Rae, who once turned over control of Ontario Hydro to UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong, who in turn wanted Ontario to invest in Costa Rican rain forests, does not seem to know that he should pay his own way.
“The federal Liberals are vowing to “fight fire with fire” in response to a new Conservative ad attacking interim Liberal leader Bob Rae that will hit television screens this week.” (, March 19, 2012). “The ad, posted to YouTube on Monday, criticizes Rae’s record when he was premier of Ontario from 1990 to 1995—a period marked by high deficits and one of the worst recessionary periods in the province’s history.” 
“If he couldn’t run a province, why does he think he can run Canada?” says the announcer in the ad, which also claims that Rae turned Ontario into the “welfare capital of Canada”.
“Liberal spokesperson Daniel Lauzon said in an email that his party will be asking Canadians to contribute financially to its response to the Tory ad—a notable departure from previous policy that saw former party leaders Michael Ignatieff and Stéphane Dion largely ignore such attacks.”
If the idea that sees the Liberals running to Canadian taxpayers to cover their “fight fire with fire” battle against the Tories is ludicrous, their being caught red-handed in using Obama Team fundraising tactics and software is high comedy.   More >>

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