lunes, febrero 27, 2012

WikiLeaks publishes intelligence firm's emails

The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks began publishing on Monday more than five million emails from a U.S.-based global security analysis company that has been likened to a shadow CIA.
The emails, snatched by hackers, could unmask sensitive sources and throw light on the murky world of intelligence-gathering by the company known as Stratfor, which counts Fortune 500 companies among its subscribers.
In a statement shortly after midnight ET, Straford said the release of its stolen emails was an attempt to silence and intimidate it.
"The release of these emails is a direct attack on Stratfor," the statement said. "This is another attempt to silence and intimidate the company, and one we reject."
It said it would not be cowed under the leadership of George Friedman, Stratfor's founder and chief executive officer. It said Friedman had not resigned as CEO, contrary to a bogus email circulating on the Internet.
'We will not be victimized twice' Some of the emails being published "may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic," the company statement said.  

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