miércoles, febrero 01, 2012

U.S. Citizen Held in Cuba

U.S. Citizen Held in Cuba

Cuban-American and family man is wrongly accused and detained.

Miami, FL - Jose-Ramon Darias Tarrago, a 50 year old Cuban-American construction supervisor and family man who recently travelled to Cuba to assist his terminally ill father-in-law, has been wrongly imprisoned in Cuba, falsely accused of falsifying documents. He has been detained since January 16th. Darias has a wife and 15 year old son in Miami.

On January 14, 2012 Darias travelled to Cuba to accompany his terminally ill and wheel-chair bound father-in law, Osvaldo Soto Bacallao, on his return flight to Cuba after a 2-month visit. Upon their arrival in Cuba on Saturday, January 14, 2011, Darias was detained at Havana International Airport and questioned by Cuban immigration officials for approximately 2 hours regarding alleged involvement in providing false documents to a person named “Yurislaides” (or a similar name). He repeatedly informed Cuban officials that he did not know anyone by that name, was then released but warned that he must remain available for further questioning.

On Monday, January 16th, Darias returned to Havana International Airport to board his return flight to Miami on Sky King. His nephew, who resides in Cuba, saw him enter through the doors to check in. The Cuba flight arrived in MIA at 5:05 p.m. but U.S. Customs officials confirmed that Darias never boarded the flight.

Darias’ family in Cuba was advised that he was detained in Villa Marista and was being investigated for falsification or trafficking documents to Cuba. On January 30th, he was transferred to a cell in Camaguey, located in central Cuba and far away from his family.

"My husband has done nothing wrong. He is a law-abiding family man who was doing a good deed by accompanying my terminally ill father on his return to Cuba" says Vivian Darias. She adds, "Cuban authorities are unjustly detaining my husband who has been falsely accused."

Darias suffers from high blood pressure and only took enough medication for three days.

Jose-Ramon Darias Tarrago has lived in exile with his family since 1995, when he won the Visa Lottery. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Darias’ mother and siblings reside in Havana, Cuba.

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