miércoles, febrero 29, 2012

Julia E. Sweig on Cuba-US relations

Council on Foreign Relations/
Fidel, Julia y Goldberg en el Acuario Nacional.
Julia E. Sweig  on Cuba-US relations
How strong is the Cuban society's desire to move beyond the one-party system?
It's very strong. Public opinion is complicated because on the one hand, Cubans want change and they want much more space--economic space, speech space. I would say political party space, like having a multi-party system, that's not the top priority for Cubans. But what is a top priority is having the opportunity to make good for themselves with the wonderful education they have and to run businesses and to have the state get out of the way, while continuing to provide the basic social services that the entire population has benefited from and gotten so accustomed to. 
Full interview Here>>

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