martes, febrero 21, 2012

Hitler’s Illegitimate Son: Finally, Proof?

by Rossella Lorenzi
Hitler_  Goebbels_ daughter
New evidence has emerged to support the controversial claim that Hitler had a son with a French teenager, the French magazine LePoint reported on Friday.
The man, Jean-Marie Loret, claimed to be the Fuhrer's son in 1981, when he published an autobiography called "Your Father's Name Was Hitler." He died four years later aged 67, not being able to prove his family line.
But Loret's Paris lawyer, François Gibault, told the French magazine that a number of photographs and documents can now support the claim.
He also revealed how Loret got to know about his parentage.
Born in March, 1918, Loret grew up knowing nothing about his father. His mother, Charlotte Lobjoie, had given him away for adoption to a family called Loret.
Then, in the early 1950s, just before her death, Miss Lobjoie told her son that at 16 she had a brief affair with Hitler. He was conceived after a "tipsy" evening in June 1917.
She told him that during the First World War, Hitler was a young soldier fighting the French near Seboncourt, in the Picardy region. He made his way to Fournes-in-Weppe, a town west of Lille, for regular leave.
"I was cutting hay with other women, when we saw a German soldier on the other side of the street," Miss Lobjoie told her son.
"He had a sketch pad and seemed to be drawing. All the women found this soldier interesting, and wanted to know what he was drawing. They picked me to try to approach him," she said.
The pair started a brief relationship, and the following year Jean-Marie was born.
"On the rare occasions your father was around, he liked to take me for walks in the countryside. But these walks usually ended badly. Your father, inspired by nature, launched into speeches I did not really understand," Miss Lobjoie said.
She recalled that Loret's father did not speak French "but solely ranted in German, talking to an imaginary audience."
"Even if I spoke German I would not be able to follow him, as the histories of Prussia, Austria and Bavaria where not familiar to me at all," Miss Lobjoie said.
The revelation haunted Loret for the rest of his life. Amazingly, in 1939 he went on to fight the Germans, defending the Maginot Line. Later, during the Nazi occupation, Loret even joined the French Resistance, and was given the codename "Clement".  More >>

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