jueves, febrero 02, 2012

Hacked neo-Nazi websites reveal Canadian connections

The names of dozens of alleged white supremacists in Canada are contained in files leaked by computer hackers in Europe intent on exposing hate movements, CBC News has learned.
The alleged white supremacists' names were revealed earlier this month by members of a loose-knit group of hackers called Anonymous on a website called nazi-leaks.net, which is now offline.
In addition to emails and secret websites and blogs, the hackers uncovered photographs of children giving Nazi salutes at a gathering in Missouri, confidential legal documents and displays of Hitler tattoos.
A picture of a young boy making a Nazi salute at a meeting in Missouri are among photos uncovered when computer hackers infiltrated online hate sites. 
A picture of a young boy making a Nazi salute at a meeting in Missouri are among photos uncovered when computer hackers infiltrated online hate sites. (CBC)
The exposure is a huge blow to hate groups that organize online across Canada, said Helmut-Harry Loewen, a University of Winnipeg sociology professor and a member of the Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society.
"We can now begin to piece together a more accurate picture in terms of the distribution of these types of racist groups across Canada," Loewen said. More >>

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