miércoles, enero 04, 2012

The New Egypt: We Will Never Recognize Israel

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The Islamists, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, are poised to take control of the newly elected Egyptian parliament. As they consolidate their power internally, the Muslim Brotherhood-led Islamists will likely turn Egypt into a hotbed of jihadism against anything non-Muslim, taking direct aim at the Jewish state of Israel.
Last winter, as the Egyptian people were rising up against President Hosni Mubarak, Muhammad Ghannem, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam:
The people should be prepared for war against Israel. The Egyptian people are prepared for anything to get rid of this regime.
Muslim Brotherhood deputy leader Dr Rashad Bayoumi started off 2012 with a belligerent interview published in the Arabic daily al-Hayat, in which he insisted that his organization will not recognize Israel “under any circumstance.” Bayoumi added that “we do not recognize Israel at all. [Israel is] an occupying criminal enemy.”
Bayoumi’s declaration came less than a week after the Muslim Brotherhood, which gave birth to Hamas, hosted Hamas’s Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh with a warm welcome at the Muslim Brotherhood’s Cairo area headquarters. This was Haniyeh’s first trip outside of Gaza since Hamas took over Gaza by force in 2007. He milked every ounce of anti-Israel propaganda that he could from the visit. As quoted by Egypt’s state news agency MENA, Haniyeh declared:
Our presence with the Brotherhood threatens the Israeli entity.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide Mohammed Badei, who greeted Haniyeh, engaged in a mutual admiration session with Haniyeh during their meeting. Badei went so far as to extol the Muslim Brotherhood offspring Hamas for now serving as its parent’s role model.
During a joint press conference, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas leaders had this chummy exchange:  More >>

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