viernes, enero 27, 2012

National Geographic Expeditions - Cuba: Discovering Its People and Culture/ IS FULL!!!

and there is not a single reservation available!!!
From  National Geographic Expeditions

"Thanks to a special license issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, National Geographic invites you to participate in an extraordinary immersive program to discover Cuba's fascinating people and culture. Meet and talk with Cubans in diverse settings, from urban Havana to the rural valley of Viňales. Learn firsthand from Cuban locals and experts about their splendid colonial cities, vibrant music and art scene and lush rural landscapes, and experience the timeless beauty and fascinating culture of this enigmatic island nation. Engage Cubans directly in discussions about their lives and work, culture and traditions. Meet with Cuban historians, teachers, artists, musicians, naturalists, and others, and experience this fast-changing island nation through their eyes"More >>

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