martes, enero 24, 2012

H5N1: Cuba: More about the Holguín visitors' sickness (updated)

By Crof/
When I first posted this a few minutes ago, I said Canadian media hadn't said much about the travellers returning from Cuba with vomiting and diarrhea. Then I finally read this morning's Globe and Mail, which says people are still coming back sick. Meanwhile, the TripAdvisor Holguín forum has been jumping with comments on this post: 3 planes with "sick" travelers - Holguin Message Board - TripAdvisor.
I haven't read all 110 answers to the original post, but a lot of them describe some very unsanitary conditions in the resort region. Some of the first commenters say it's Clostridium difficile, but that seems unlikely. The Globe and Mail suggests Norwalk virus (also known as norovirus), which sounds more accurate.

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