martes, enero 24, 2012

Antoher one: $3,995 People-to-People program on Cuba

BOSTON, Jan. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Harriet R. Lewis, Chairman of Grand Circle Foundation, is pleased to announce "Cuba: A Bridge Between Cultures", a 12-day People-to-People program designed to foster meaningful cultural exchange between Americans and Cubans. The program, which operates in small groups of just 12-20 participants, begins at $3,995 with 75 departures currently scheduled between January-June and, subject to the renewal of OFAC License #CT-17899, from September-December 2012.
"Americans have long been curious about the mystique surrounding Cuba, especially those of us who grew up during the Castro years," said Lewis. "We are honored to have the opportunity to bring Americans to Cuba and view our program as part of an important step toward a new beginning between our two countries."
Grand Circle Foundation launched its People-to-People program last November after receiving license to do so from the Office of Foreign Assets Control. The Foundation initially limited participation to its top donors and supporters, and ran four departures that garnered a 97% excellence rating from 80 participants.
Following the success of the launch, Grand Circle Foundation now opens the program to all Americans, although the program is geared to and paced for the 50-plus market. The program's focus is on close cultural exchange between American participants and Cuban residents. The itinerary includes five nights in Havana, Cuba's capital city; two nights in Cienfuegos, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that's also known as La Perla del Sud (the Pearl of the South) for its gleaming harbor area and dignified ambience; and three nights in Trinidad, another UNESCO World Heritage Site and a colonial gem that recalls life in Cuba's 19th-century glory days.
The program begins at $3,995 per person and includes a full schedule of People-to-People exchange meetings; roundtrip airfare from Miami; all accommodations; 24 meals (10B, 5L, 9D); services of an English-speaking Cuban guide and a Grand Circle Foundation representative from the U.S.; transportation aboard a private, air-conditioned motor coach; and cultural diversities that include discussions with locals, museum visits, musical performances, and more.  More >>

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