miércoles, diciembre 21, 2011

Were circumstances of Kim Jong-il's death fabricated?

Kns / AFP - Getty Images
This undated picture, released from North Korea's official 
Korean Central News Agency on Dec.17, 2011, shows 
North Korean lreader Kim Jong Il (C), accompanied by 
his son Kim Jong Un (2nd-L), inspecting the Kwangbok 
Area Supermarket just before opening in Pyongyang. It is
said to be the elder Kim's last public appearance.

The official report said that North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il died on a train at 8:30 on Saturday morning after suffering a heart attack during a "high intensity field inspection." State media reported his death on Monday.
Now, North Korea experts in South Korea are calling into question that account, saying North Korea likely made it all up, according to the Chosun Ilbo newspaper website.
Among the details they say don't make sense:
  • Freezing weather: Kim was known for a nocturnal lifestyle and rarely got up before noon, and would have unlikely risen early in 20-degree temperatures for a field inspection.
  • Train didn't move: South Korea's intelligence director testified that Kim's special train - equipped with four hospital cars - did not move out of the station the entire weekend.
  • Witnesses: Kim always traveled with a large entourage, but the news of his death was kept secret for 50 hours.
Citing South Korean sources, the newspaper speculates Kim most likely died at home.

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