domingo, diciembre 25, 2011

USAID's Cuba democracy programs: Audit cost taxpayers nearly $150,000 per page?

enough money to defeat the Castro regime bombing Coke cans.
Tracey Eaton
"The Agency for International Development this month released only scant details of a Cuba program audit that cost taxpayers at least $1.47 million in 2009 and 2010.
In response to a March 18, 2011, Freedom of Information Act request, USAID sent me a heavily redacted 10-page report that omits most findings, recommendations and other key information, including the identity of the aid recipients named in the audit.
USAID said it could not find any other reports or paperwork related to the audit. I find it impossible to believe that a $1.47 million audit didn’t leave more of a paper trail, but let’s just suppose that it’s true. That would mean that the 10 pages posted above are worth nearly $150,000 each".  More >>

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