jueves, diciembre 08, 2011

Putin accuses Clinton of sparking post-election protests in Russia

Updated at 5:45 a.m. ET: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned Thursday that Russian authorities might take an even harder line against protesters who have taken to the streets alleging election-rigging.
"We need to think about strengthening the law and holding more responsible those who carry out the task of a foreign government to influence our internal political process," he said.
Moscow has already put 50,000 police and troops out on the streets, backed by water cannon.
The demonstrations have been some of the biggest and most sustained protests Russia has seen in years, and police have detained hundreds of protesters.
Published at 4:55 a.m. ET: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States of encouraging protests over Russia's parliamentary election and said hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign funds were used to influence the vote.
In his first public remarks about daily demonstrations by protesters alleging Sunday's vote was fraudulent and unfair, Putin said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "gave a signal" to Kremlin opponents.
"She set the tone for some opposition activists, gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work," Putin said.

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