jueves, diciembre 08, 2011

How to help Don Jaime Suchlicki "The Sponger"

dear mr. ichikawa, please send the following link USA Jobs | Workopolis to don jaime. thank you
Tomado del sitio de Ichikawa

Dear Friend:
As we approach the new year, the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies needs to ask for your financial help.  Funding from the U.S. government has dried up and the University does not provide funds to the Institute.  We depend on the help from the community.
If you believe that our work is important and share our objectives, a donation, no matter how small, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00, will help us continue to disseminate information about Cuba and preserve Cuba’s historical heritage.
Please help us continue this worthwhile work.  Thank you.
Wishing you a healthy and successful 2012.
Jaime Suchlicki
Director del Instituto de Estudios Cubanos y Cubanoamericanos
University of Miami

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