miércoles, diciembre 07, 2011

Gorbachev: Annul Russian election results, hold new vote

MOSCOW - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev urged Russian authorities to annul the results of the scandal-marred parliamentary election and hold a new vote, Russia's Interfax news agency reported Wednesday.
The news came a day after thousands of Russians rallied in Moscow and St. Petersburg and faced off with police and Interior Ministry troops, who detained and arrested hundreds of protesters, including journalists.
"The country's leaders have to admit that there were numerous falsifications and rigging and the results do not reflect the will of the people," Gorbachev told Interfax, according to the AFP.
"Therefore I think they can only take one decision — annul the results of the election and hold new ones."
Thousands of security forces were out in the Russian capital and helicopters roamed the sky Wednesday in a show of force following the protests over the election that saw Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party struggle to keep a majority. More >>

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