jueves, noviembre 24, 2011

On Collision Course: Israel, Iran And US

Eurasia Review By:

Is a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities possible as a result of the dramatically increasing and unstable relationship among Iran, Israel and the U.S.?  What does this mean for them, for us, for the rest of the world?  Two outstanding speakers will address this complex issue at Seattle’s St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral on Friday, December 2nd at 7:30PM.
USC Chemical Engineering Prof. Muhammad Sahimi, who has written extensively on Iranian politics and that country’s nuclear program will join Richard Silverstein, writer of the progressive political blog, Tikun Olam for this discussion of these critical and complex issues.  These will include the current program of covert black ops like the Iranian missile base explosion last week, cyberwarfare in the form of Stuxnet, economic sanctions and whether they can work, and whether Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon.  If so, what can/should the world do about it, if anything? More >

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