miércoles, noviembre 09, 2011

Obama Sells out Latin America to Reds

By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media

While the U.S. media remain preoccupied with unsubstantiated sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, America is losing Nicaragua to the communists—again. The blatant stealing of the election in this Central American country has been ignored by headlines in the press proclaiming that Daniel Ortega won re-election in a landslide. The Obama Administration, which has encouraged the “Arab Spring” process that has resulted in Islamists making gains in the Middle East, has refused so far to condemn the theft of democracy in Nicaragua.
Ortega, an accused sexual child abuser, and his communist comrades in the Sandinista movement took power in 1979 with the help of Democratic U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who said Americans had an inordinate fear of communism. Carter cut aid to the pro-American Somoza regime in Nicaragua and then proposed foreign aid for the Sandinistas. Carter also lost Iran to the fanatical Mullahs on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons.
In 1990 the Sandinistas were forced to cede power and hold free elections, which they lost, in the face of a military insurgency led by the Contras, Nicaraguan freedom fighters supported by Carter’s successor, Republican President Ronald Reagan. But Ortega and his backers never went away, subverting the democratic process through infiltration, fraud and theft. They have been aided and abetted by foreign aid from Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.
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